View Full Version : Aviation academy New York

25th Feb 2015, 20:52
Are there any pilots on here who trained at the aviation academy in New York it's strange but no amount of searching finds me any reviews or other information other than there own generated pages
If anyone attended there can you give me your opinion of the good aspects and the bad aspects
Also I'm being told this is where all egyptian pilots send there children to train can anyone confirm that

7th Mar 2015, 02:44
They do have many Egyptian clients. The owner is a good friend of mine. The big advantage to going to this school is that you are in the New York area, and will learn about flying in dense and complex airspace in sometimes less than optimal weather. Which is also a major disadvantage, in a way.

However, many foreign students have relatives or friends in the area and have access to restaurants and other cultural features you might not have in a rural, southern location.

No Fly Zone
8th Mar 2015, 10:05
There are many excellent schools in the U.S., the being one of them. That said, if you want to be admitted, your history and credentials must be in absolutely perfect order. Cash paid, or not, we have learned a very painful lesson. If you are not admitted, don't feel too bad... Thousands have been rejected - with cause and without cause. Sorry, but your name alone is one or two strikes against permission to attend. Have you considered ME or EU options? They are more permissive and you must understand why...
Good luck and I hope you have a safe, productive career.

30th Mar 2015, 12:36
Never heard of it, and it really wouldn't advise going to school in or near NYC, it's expensive and you won't have anything extra to show for it.

I would be more concerned with the quality of the education and price vs what race or nationality attend, I would hope you're looking for education, not socialization with your countrymen.

Maybe try University of North Dakota, I've seen some good pilots come out of there.

Department of Aviation (http://aviation.und.edu/Home/Default.aspx)