View Full Version : Palm Logbook Software update

5th Jun 2002, 05:29
We have just released the Windows companion for Captain's Keeper Palm logbook. Our product now combines Palm OS and Windows logbooks with a conduit to connect the two. This version is a ground up re write with many improvements.

As far as we can tell Captain's Keeper v4.0 is the only pilot logbook software that offers fast and efficient Hotsync capabilities between the Palm OS and Windows while retaining full editing and entry capabilities on both platforms.

If anyone is interested it is available for you to download and review (http://mtow:[email protected]/secure/ck/download.html) now.

We sell it as shareware for $80 and you can find more info at http://www.nimblefeet.com

5th Jun 2002, 06:16
What % of that $80 will go to Pprune for this advertising?

Mutt :)

7th Jun 2002, 23:34
At this stage none. I would not think PPruNe accept unsolicited commissions. However we are considering their bannner program which seems quite reasonable.

In the mean time we have released another update that speeds the Palm software up signifigantly. Logbooks containing even 5000 flights are now lightning fast.

13th Jun 2002, 07:08
Captain's Keeper was just rated the highest on www.palmflying.com. Check it out.