View Full Version : Screenshot Utillity required

tony draper
4th Jun 2002, 19:25
Does anybody know of a downloadable screenshots utillity, a simple one preferably.
I had a great one called thums4u, I think, but i lost it when I formated my disc,(yer always forget loads of stuff when you format).
It was very simple to use, it ran in the background of say a flight sim, and you just had to hit a combination of keys and it stored your screen shots in ipg format its own folder.
I did try a couple of other before that one but I could never get them to work correctly or they would work and I could not find where the pickies were stored.
I know that in theory you can take screenshots usin the print screen button but that is something else I have never been able to do.
thanks in advance

OOOEEERRR,dont think it could have been called thum4 thingy, just did a google search, there is a site called that. but it aint nuthin ter do with flightsim screen shots :eek:

Ps wonder where that name came from, sure it had 4u in the title.

4th Jun 2002, 19:47
Tony, give the Win2K Print Screen routine a try before branching out. I bet you have succeeded in capturing your screen images with PrtScrn but haven't known how to retrieve them.

Print Screen by itself captures the whole screen and puts it on the clipboard. If you go to Word, Windows Imaging or some other third party application you can then "Paste" the clipboard into an open file. That is, in Imaging, click on File/New and choose the file type and colour options. When you've got a clean blank window Click on Edit/Paste.

With Alt/Print Screen you can do the same but you only capture the active window without all the other garbage on the Desktop. I prefer this as its much cleaner.

The "Clipboard" is a Virtual thing and you won't normally see it in the Program menu unless you have third party software to let you look at it directly instead of using an Application.

Go on play with it, you can't hurt anything! (As the Bishop said to the ... ;)

PPRuNe Pop
4th Jun 2002, 19:48
TD, I assume you are running WIN9x. If so, to get a screen shot just hit print screen and it will be put on your clipboard in accessories. Always works for me, especially from a sim.

gas path
4th Jun 2002, 19:56
No wonder you went "OOOEEERRR" TD :D :eek: :D

tony draper
4th Jun 2002, 21:50
I did try the print screen method a while back, I did not have any success,I do not appear to have anything called clip board in accessories or anywhere else
I have paused the screen and hit print screen but nothing appears to be happening.
I wish I hadn't formated my dammed disc, I have done a google search and cannot find any screenshot uttilies.
Could someone tell me the exact sequence of key presses to activate print screen and how to get this dammed clipboard?.
Again thanks in advance.:confused:
I want to take some screen shots from the Combat flight sim JanesUSAF, and send the via email.

Thanks again peeps

4th Jun 2002, 22:32
Single button TD. 'Print Screen' just next to the F12 top row.
This puts the current screen into the clipboard (everybody has one, don't worry where it is). Open an imaging program, click file , new then edit, paste. Voilą ! Save it as ' whatever.jpg ' and you're done. (Caution - for some reason saving as a .bmp doesn't work for me, comes out monochrome).

If the window you want to capture is smaller than the screen size, use Alt and Print Screen buttons simultaneously.

5th Jun 2002, 07:35
TD: I used to use 'Snap32.exe', but look at this site (http://www.winsite.com/browse/) - there are loads of choices!

tony draper
5th Jun 2002, 23:15
Thanks chaps got one spent all day wresling with hypersnap and gave up, was pointed at this one easy, simple self instaling a doddle to use even for a idiot like drapes.
Thanks for the help.;)

7th Jun 2002, 08:05
BOAC - 'this site' or winsite.com, seems to host 'gator', a nasty piece of spyware (see other threads). Zone alarm drew my attention to its presence and Lavasoft's Adaware did a nice job of getting rid of the infestation, but be warned.

Cheers Shaqbutt
(and doin fine, thanks - hope you're the same)

7th Jun 2002, 08:52
Thanks Shaq, (how you doin?)

I've run an Adaware scan and it looks as if I didn't pick any spyware there, and I downloaded two progs, but a good warning!

7th Jun 2002, 13:22
Try this one, it rocks!!
