View Full Version : F-8E(FN) squadron exchange at Coningsby in Aug 94

6th Nov 2014, 10:54
Can anyone here provide information on an Aeronavale F-8 Crusader squadron exchange with the RAF at Coningsby in August 1994?

13th Dec 2014, 20:36
In addition I hope to have answers to the following questions:

I am hoping to get responses from Crusader pilots about:

The flying characteristics of the F-8.
Was it an easy aircraft to fly?
What were the dangers of flying the type - could you get into trouble easily on the edge of its flight envelope?
Was the cockpit ergonomically easy to work in or was it a bit like being a one-armed paper hanger?
What was its strongest virtue?
What was its greatest vice?

I would also appreciate stories of combat operations, exercises, close calls in training and/or poor weather. Also any photos, particularly air-to-air shots you may have. Tales of high pressure operations as well as anything liked or disliked about the F-8.

From ground crew I would like to know about the ease or difficulty of maintaining the aircraft. What was the worst job to complete? What became unserviceable most often keeping the aircraft on the ground? Tales of high pressure operations for the ground crew during various operations.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.:D

14th Dec 2014, 09:48
C'est un secteur du forum ... en français.

On n'y trouve pratiquement que des pilotes de ligne, la plupart d'origine civile - donc quasiment personne ici n'est habilité à parler du Cruze.

L'auteur de ces lignes n'a volé que sur SUE/SUEM (40 ans qu'on SUE, 40 ans qu'on SUEM)

et voilà

14th Dec 2014, 11:57
On n'y trouve pratiquement que des pilotes de ligne

...a good number of which would be former Armee de l' Air, Marine, etc and are supposed to be proficient in spoken, written and able to write ENGLISH...

Au revoir


14th Dec 2014, 14:30
C'est bien ce que je pensais, rien à dire sur le Cruze (et apparemment pas non plus sur les SUE/SUEM)
alors les commentaires sur l'anglais ....

14th Dec 2014, 20:11
Gentlemen, I did not come to this forum to start a fight! I came for answers and as one member said there will be ex-Crusader men here now working in civil aviation. I look forward to a civilized conversation with some of them. If you cannot play nice, don't play!

Messieurs , je ne ai pas venus à ce forum pour commencer un combat ! Je suis venu pour obtenir des réponses et comme un membre a dit qu'il y aura des hommes ex - croisés qui travaillent ici aujourd'hui dans l'aviation civile . Je ai hâte à une conversation civilisée avec certains d'entre eux . Si vous ne pouvez pas jouer gentil , ne pas jouer !

14th Dec 2014, 20:47

Hello tomdocherty,

There is a blog here http://pilchasse.********.fr/2011/09/le-pilote-jaime-le-crusader-le-crusader.html
It's full of small stories about Crusader flights.

I can't find the name of the pilot who wrote these stories but you can add a comment so you can ask a contact by this way.

Edit : the link can't be copied here (don't know why) but if you google "pilote j'aime le crusader" , you'll find the adress !

15th Dec 2014, 09:58
Many thank HeliHenri.

15th Dec 2014, 10:00
HeliHenri, I just tried the blog website link you posted and it does not work. Can you check the address please?

15th Dec 2014, 10:01
Ignore my last message, googled as you suggested and got it!