View Full Version : H982 FKL

3rd Oct 2014, 21:17
Unfortunate coincidence or Jeremy's incitement for a rerun?

3rd Oct 2014, 23:10
We're supposed to believe this is just a coincidence. Its a helluva one if it is.

Remind me, how many jets do we have available right now?

Cue one belly laugh from Putin and another Bear deployment.

4th Oct 2014, 08:50
Nice bit of free publicity for the new Top Gear series ;)

4th Oct 2014, 09:38
I think he was just 'trolling'. He was obviously pushing for a reaction, he always does!

I don't even believe he is a bigot. I think he is occasionally prejudiced to wind people up for fun.

Out Of Trim
4th Oct 2014, 12:20
Well, I was amused!

He was driving through Argentina whilst giving them the finger at the same time! :ok:

4th Oct 2014, 12:43
Juvenile publicity stunt designed to appeal to the top gear audience of chavs and associated half wits.

About time the BBC did away with them.

Agaricus bisporus
4th Oct 2014, 13:20
I understand clarkson has been on a final warning for some time. Maybe the foreign office will talk to Auntie and see this one is called in.

It must have been deliberately put about in Argentina as most people in this country would not see anything in that plate. I had to have it explained to me and still struggle to see how anyone would/could read an H as 1, and as for FCL bringing up Falklands as the first or even hundred and first association is beyond me. Theres absolutely no way at all anyone in Argentina would make anything of is, esp as they call the place by some other name.

The whole thing stinks as a deliberate attempt to kick off an international incident by a bunch of infantile and asinine hooligans. Removing their passports for a year would be a good idea.

4th Oct 2014, 13:22
I call, one big hoax.

I doubt many Argies would see a connection or relevance in the number plate. Especially as they know the islands as Malvinas.

Even if they did see the connection, I doubt they would have a full scale riot over it. They probably just quietly think to themselves "what a ****".

4th Oct 2014, 13:29
About time the BBC did away with them.

The chavs and half wits or the the Topgear team? ;)

4th Oct 2014, 16:07

4th Oct 2014, 16:15
I have a car registered in Spain. The registration plate contains the numbers 3945. I suppose I dare not drive it to Germany in case it offends the Germans (1939-45).

This is utter bull****.

Krystal n chips
4th Oct 2014, 16:46
Already well established in the lower depths.....


4th Oct 2014, 18:52
I call, one big hoax.

Yup, TG elaborate publicity stunt as per normal.

As someone else said, JC is very good at wind ups - with a typically (if this thread is anything to go by) 90% bite success.

Willard Whyte
4th Oct 2014, 19:27
Anyone who takes what JC and the chaps say at face value is a bit of a retard with no sense of humour. And I've no time for the pompous halfwits who regularly harrumph for the show's cancellation.

4th Oct 2014, 20:39
GeeRam & Willard Whyte,
Thankyou both for your posts.
There are some pretty gullible people out there.

Union Jack
4th Oct 2014, 22:13
I can't quite believe that I actually looked, but the registration concerned is currently shown on the Motor Insurance Database as insured in respect of....
a Porsche 928.....:sad:


5th Oct 2014, 01:08
Cant even see the connection myself its just PR.

Pontius Navigator
5th Oct 2014, 10:54
I have a car registered in Spain. The registration plate contains the numbers 3945. I suppose I dare not drive it to Germany in case it offends the Germans (1939-45).

This is utter bull****.

Just had a tour of the WW 2 tunnels in Gibraltar. Our guide was Hans. He kept cracking Hitler and SS jokes.

"If we had won I would be standing here in my black uniform with a SS on the collar"

He knew his stuff.

Maybe we should offer some Vet a job in the Malvinas to do battlefield tours.

5th Oct 2014, 11:01
A bit off topic but related to battlefield tours, a film thoroughly recommended is 'The Railwayman' with Colin Firth. The link is that he went back to Burma to meet and kill his Japanese torturer from during the war, who was running a 'war museum', and if I were to say any more it would be a spoiler. Definitely one of the best films I've seen for a long time.

5th Oct 2014, 11:38
I can't quite believe that I actually looked, but the registration concerned is currently shown on the Motor Insurance Database as insured in respect of....
a Porsche 928.....

Yes, it's the cars genuine number plate, car was 'known' within Porsche owners circles beforehand by all accounts.

5th Oct 2014, 12:58
Whether it was a wind-up or not, I simply can't imagine anyone in the UK, war veterans -or anyone else, getting hot under the collar at an Argentinian TV crew's number plate.

Al R
5th Oct 2014, 14:38
It was gratifying to see so many Argentinians embarrassed by the whole thing. Would New Yorkers get het up about this one? I doubt it. Best not ask in Alabama though.


5th Oct 2014, 15:02
I would recommend Hugh Bichenot's Razors's Edge to anyone attempting to understand the Argentine psyche wrt The Falkland Islands. If you really can't be bothered the basic message is that the nation will be led by the new male forged in combat. The snag is that despite much breast beating and everyone essentially agreeing with the idea the mettle to actually carry it through was lacking. In essence they talked a good game.

The flip side is that the Brits had sunk so low in their own eyes and that of the world that some bunch of military fantasists thought they could be beaten with relative ease.

The up shot is however clear; having given up the right (forever) to negotiations about the Falklands by invading them, the Argentines had one chance to keep them by military force which they blew utterly and are now reduced to such monumental acts of valour as throwing stones at cars.

5th Oct 2014, 15:07
I wonder how many budding Argentinian extras were paid to throw stones at the car, for the camera?

5th Oct 2014, 17:22
It's worth reflecting that without their defeat in the Falklands, Galtieri and his sadistic cronies would still be in charge, kidnapping, murdering, torturing and burying in shallow graves. Far more Argentinians met horrible deaths at their hands than died in the Falklands. They ought to erect a statue of Mrs Thatcher in Buenos Aires!

5th Oct 2014, 22:17
Jeez, Clarkson is a big supporter of UK military guys and girls, for fk's sake, quit being so bloody sensitive, they wanted a scrap and got one, we won.

5th Oct 2014, 23:11
As far as I know, they were declared persona non grata and asked to leave Ushuaia.

But a mob (not related to war veterans) intercepted the convoy and started to throw stones. And yes, here in the Third World throwing stones, stopping the traffic in highways and, sometimes, to burn buildings are regular methods to deal with problems. Not proud of it, but it is just a fact.

In my very humble point of view, the Top Gear crew went here asking for trouble (at least, they paid some websites to "note" the car plate...) and SOME people responded with the current uncivilized mood (fueled, again in my very humble opinion by the government)

A two way shame.

5th Oct 2014, 23:17
It's worth reflecting that without their defeat in the Falklands, Galtieri and his sadistic cronies would still be in charge, kidnapping, murdering, torturing and burying in shallow graves. Far more Argentinians met horrible deaths at their hands than died in the Falklands. They ought to erect a statue of Mrs Thatcher in Buenos Aires! I agree.

Also remember, Galtieri saved the Royal Navy: 1981 planned defense cuts included the disposal of Invincible, the LPDs, escorts and other blue water navy assets.

What do you think, in exchange, a Galtieri statue in Trafalgar Square?

Rhino power
6th Oct 2014, 00:01
Also remember, Galtieri saved the Royal Navy: 1981 planned defense cuts included the disposal of Invincible, the LPDs, escorts and other blue water navy assets.

What do you think, in exchange, a Galtieri statue in Trafalgar Square?

Touche! ;)


Al R
6th Oct 2014, 04:17
What do you think, in exchange, a Galtieri statue in Trafalgar Square?

If it's exchanges we're after, at least this chap didn't get run out of town. He'd have outstripped farmers in wellies I guess. ;)

BBC News - UK criticises 'tasteless' Falklands Olympic ad (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-17946838)

Clarkson makes me smile - he doesn't presume to speak with papal authority but he does all too often speak for the (I suspect!) silent majority.

6th Oct 2014, 15:04
well said, marcantilian!..maybe not Trafalgar Square but the Falklanders should probably put one up -without him some diplomatic fudge would have been stitched up by now.

6th Oct 2014, 16:23
What is Top Gear, and who is Clarkson?

Lord Spandex Masher
7th Oct 2014, 00:03
For his next stunt Jezza will drive the length of Bradford in a Porsche with the registration J1 HAD.

7th Oct 2014, 04:29
langleybaston asked What is Top Gear, and who is Clarkson?

A popular beat combo; Clarkson is lead vocalist....


7th Oct 2014, 07:15
Around 15 years ago I regularly saw a Mercedes with the plate AK47 on the South side of Glasgow. It was of course driven by one of the faithful. A quick check suggests it is now on a Lexus.

7th Oct 2014, 07:31
On a Roller around here in the 80s UZ1, also AK74, UVF, UDA , USC, UFF and I would love this one ;)


7th Oct 2014, 09:56
Best one I saw was


7th Oct 2014, 10:01
BOND007 in Germany many years ago ...... or a good attempt ....... the Porsche overtook me so quickly that the number/ letter detail was not clear. The intent was!

SKY80Y at a Finningley Air show.

My nurse daughter SRN RGN RHV BSc nearly clicked for SRN666.

and OC Mobile Met Unit had MMU 1

7th Oct 2014, 10:10
saw a guy once on the M25 heading towards Heathrow - registration P1LOT

7th Oct 2014, 12:11
On a car (not mine) outside 20(R) Sqn, RAF Wittering, circa 2005:


It wouldn't be a Top Gear 'special' without some local baiting, it's become rather routine now. :rolleyes:

7th Oct 2014, 12:23
Chief Engineer of an US company I worked with on a project 4 years ago had the ultimate (from my viewpoint).
In New York there is no pattern requirement for the reg plate so his little BMW soft top just had "RADAR".

Envy :ooh:

7th Oct 2014, 12:34
V5 TOL... Ahhh Sackys Alfa. :ok:

7th Oct 2014, 22:22
A nav on my German HARM-shooter sqn (near Augsburg, if you know the german reg system) had A GM 88 on her Porsche!

But then in Germany it only costs €30 to have whatever you want on your number plate....

8th Oct 2014, 09:27
It's interesting to see that Argentina will be playing a friendly match with Portugal at Old Trafford on the 18th November. I hope they don't try to get their own back and display a similar banner to the one they did before the recent world cup.


Courtney Mil
8th Oct 2014, 11:06
I'm not even sure it was intentional. He and the BBC both claim it wasn't. Most Argentineans probably wouldn't even recognise the letters as anything to do with what they the Malinas. Until someone pointed out a flimsy reason to get all up themselves again. More like they're having a go.

8th Oct 2014, 12:26
OC Mobile Met Unit had MMU 1

Sadly the impact was lost as the plate was attached to an early Landy Disco!! :ugh:

8th Oct 2014, 13:16
come to mention, yes.

I once had a ride in it. Just once.

14th Oct 2014, 03:52
Transmission ? BBC Top Gear Top Gear in Argentina: what really happened « - BBC Top Gear (http://transmission.blogs.topgear.com/2014/10/10/top-gear-in-argentina-what-really-happened/#.VDliQ_zqaUg.facebook)

14th Oct 2014, 07:43
Parked next to each other outside 2 Hangar at Waddington a few years ago:

C 130 NAV

They obviously pay Squadron Leaders too much money.

Party Animal
14th Oct 2014, 08:31

The C130 NAV is now a wg cdr - and still sporting the numberplate on her imported Mustang convertible!

14th Oct 2014, 09:06
I can't see what all the fuss is about. All you have to do to upset the Argentinian government is to send a nice new destroyer to the islands for a few months, to run it in. Oh, and a Prince, in a helicopter.


27th Dec 2014, 21:41
This is the Topgear episode mentioned by the original poster. Very entertaining it is too...

BBC iPlayer - Top Gear - Patagonia Special, Part 1 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04ww8hj/top-gear-patagonia-special-part-1)

27th Dec 2014, 22:15
The C130 NAV is now a wg cdr - and still sporting the numberplate on her imported Mustang convertible!

I hope she got the optional GPS fit then.

27th Dec 2014, 23:56
Came home from RAF(G) in '62 with 87 EXT on. Before that had black and white plastic LP 97 B. Below that was sprayed (silver figures on dusty pink background) population of China ending "-75" (yes, I know that means Paris).

Didn't keep the 87 EXT. Didn't buy a batch of Spitfires when they were going for a song. Never did have any sense. :uhoh:


uffington sb
28th Dec 2014, 06:14

Sorry mate but I have to disagree. I lasted 10 minutes and it was complete tosh.
Strange how in all the other 'specials' I've seen, they buy cars in country, yet this time they take them out with them.
The only good thing was at long last, May has had a haircut!

28th Dec 2014, 06:42
They imported their cars for the Source of the Nile special, so there's nothing new about doing that.

28th Dec 2014, 06:49
A pretty dire episode and I suspect many will only watch part 2 tonight due to the promised fireworks. The best bit of telly last night was the feature on Guy Martin where he fired up his Rolls Royce Merlin in a field and recounted the time he gave it too much welly, causing it to break free and demolish a chunk of his bosses workshop!

Al R
28th Dec 2014, 07:21
It was probably paced more slowly to give some editorial context for the onslaught tonight. It has been blanded down for so long now I wonder if it ever was as feisty and as hardcore as we might like to imagine it once ever was.

Clarkson's tale about racing home up the M1 in a 928 to see his dad before he died made him either more endearing or confirmed his inane sense of indifference to everyone else and his sheer irresponsibility, I'm not sure. I like to think the former. Either way, a good tale.

Long may TG continue to needle and annoy the outraged. And Clarkson, Farage.. what is it about middle aged, middle class white blokes that divides us so much?

28th Dec 2014, 07:53
I agree with sitigeltfel - it was rather a bland, repetitive programme. Driving performance cars, such as the ones in the programme, across various unsuitable roads, plus a repeat of the 'cow on the roof' jape and a general dislike of camping didn't make much of a programme.

These Top Gear 'specials' seem to be running out of ideas. Hopefully part 2 will be better, but I'd sooner that they'd spent the money on more editions of the traditional programme, perhaps with one of their 'thing v. car' races or project challenges?

Al R
28th Dec 2014, 08:33
Don't forget the broken bridge!

The food for fighters deal adds context.

Falkland Islands defence review after military deal between Russia and Argentina | UK | News | Daily Express (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/549006/Falkland-Islands-defence-review-after-military-deal-between-Russia-and-Argentina)

28th Dec 2014, 11:11
I can't thinking the programme wasn't actually sponsored by the Argentinian Tourist Board......... Come and look at the scenery and all these empty roads, sort of thing.

28th Dec 2014, 11:13
So a handful of fencers vs typhoons driven by her majesty's finest...
I'll have a few quid on the tiffin thanks

If there is enough warning - ie time to get the Q airborne with the opposition at a reasonable distance and if there is a Daring class hanging about it will be a bit more different than the last time

28th Dec 2014, 13:57
While this has been signed off. The reality is that it could take years before the first AC flies under the Argentinian flag. This along with spares, maintenance schedules and training the ground crew we are talking some years before this is actually a reality. And as Stormrider states a SSN on station is enough to warrant second thoughts by any Nation. That said could we count on our government to actually give the order to Fire, whoever may be in power. This is all hypothetical should it ever come down to the wire of course.

28th Dec 2014, 17:29
This from a popular source of propaganda.

Russian news: Russia to Lease Bomber Jets to Argentina. Deal Spooks UK - Russia Insider (http://russia-insider.com/en/2014/12/28/2166)

Russia is also flogging off some rather old (but not as old as Argentina's) Arctic Supply ships.

Given that there is growing oil infrastructure down there, how would Fencer patrols over Stanley pan out?

28th Dec 2014, 18:49
Darling class SSN??

28th Dec 2014, 19:18
Darling class SSN??

You must have met one of my old girlfriends - she had a habit of going nuclear whenever I called her darling too :p

28th Dec 2014, 20:52
Daring class - type 45 air defence boat

I didn't include the sneaky black underwater boat - best idea forget about that until we need it to deploy a few tlam

Daring class has mother of all radar and a good few big fast bullets
I think the lessons were learnt very well from last time - doubt we will be put in a position to need a task force .....

28th Dec 2014, 22:18
Having watched both, was that a WW2 MTB in part two?

28th Dec 2014, 22:26
I'll take that, and be a bit more thorough with my inclusion of anyone's text. But having a SSN as well would certainly make them think twice.

29th Dec 2014, 08:05
'60s Spanish built, German design, evolved from E Boat.
Chilean Torpedo boat Quidora (PTF-82) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilean_Torpedo_boat_Quidora_(PTF-82))

Al R
30th Dec 2014, 06:01
I really enjoyed that second part.. just enough to annoy my nearest and dearest who thumped around the kitchen determined that I shouldn't be allowed my reverie, and just enough motivation to fit my rebuilt Rover V8 lump (cough, 2006) into something suitable - a Sebring MG seems the most likely candidate. I do wonder if the whole thing wasn't just a little over egged and dramatised, and what a shame that the cars weren't recovered - make mine an early white or orange Esprit please, with tartan seats.

I have just read that the Argentinian Supreme Court has given 'human' rights to a captive ape, declaring it a 'non person person'. Shame the Fernández government continues to clamp down on 'person persons'.

30th Dec 2014, 10:48
Thank you Topgas..

I thought that too Al R, such a shame, the poor old Lotus deserved a better fate, perhaps they could stick them all in the Argentinian equivalent of the Imperial War Museum, after all they must be awfully short of captured exhibits.

30th Dec 2014, 18:44
I thought that too Al R, such a shame, the poor old Lotus deserved a better fate, perhaps they could stick them all in the Argentinian equivalent of the Imperial War Museum, after all they must be awfully short of captured exhibits.

Allegedly, all three were moved into storage in an Argentine customs building after the BBC 'ran' for the border.....


30th Dec 2014, 19:51
Perhaps we could hold a ransom exchange, Isn't the Gwagon that 18 liberated still at Cosford :p

30th Dec 2014, 21:09
make mine an early white or orange Esprit please, with tartan seats.

Surely you weren't a Bay City Roller fan? :}

31st Dec 2014, 01:23
After the sight of all that exotic machinery, I hardly dare to introduce the last chapter of my car-owning saga, but here goes:

Daughter, down in West Susssex, had, just before Christmas '03, bought a '99 Seat Toledo. It immediately disgraced itself: coming up North on Christmas Eve, the water pump stripped its vanes (seems this was a known fault on the VW 1800 20v petrol engine) and she landed home on the back of a RAC rescue truck.

Of course it was fixed under warranty, and she ran it for another four years, then we gave her £2000 for it (twice the best trade in offer) to replace our Rover 216 which had just gone for scrap. She then bought a new Mitsuibishi Lancer, which has proved a fine, reliable car ever since.

Of course, buying a 9 yr old with 95,000 on the clock was giving a hostage to fortune; eight months later an electical failure put all the instruments on the panel u/s: our friendly local auto electrician couldn't fix it and the main agents (may the Devil take them) "did" me for £400 (which was about what the car was worth) :{ . Scarcely had I finished smarting from that, than the o/s rear door lock jammed shut. :{:{ Main agents quoted another £300 for that, but f.l.a.e. undercut them with 3 hrs labour @ £20 ph = £60. Job done. :ok:

The speedo was zeroed at 97,000, and we've done another 9,000, so now it's almost sixteen years old with 106,000 miles. It still looks smart in the line-up of our neighbours' Mercs and Beamers, for the dark blue paintwork is the best quality I've ever seen, there isn't a spot of rust anywhere - and it goes like a bomb ! It'll see me out, of course'

It really does look as smart as this ! (04, but same model as '99)

Happy New Year to PPRuNe and all who sail in her !


31st Dec 2014, 08:23
Same pump problems on Audi too, you can get a metal vane version but VAG have redesigned it now with a later plastic version, they recommend doing them with the cambelt.
They are very reliable cars Danny and can do lots of miles, the instrument failure on my audi there is a company that does the binnacle repairs, but they take a while to get out so price about fair.
Odd thing is I can buy VAG parts for my car from VW dealers with the same part No at less than I can from Audi, as they are often standard.