View Full Version : FAA Biennual Flight Review in Brazil

1st Oct 2014, 16:54
Hello to everyone,

My FAA CPL ME/IR BFR is due on November and I'd like to find a way to do it here in Brazil, more specifically Sao Paulo State , I wonder if any of you knows a way to do it in here, I know a guy with CFI willing to do it with me, but the problem is finding someone willing to rent us a Multi Engine Airplane. The reason why I wanna do it here is because otherwise I'd spend approximately $2500 to do it back in the US.
Any help would be highly appreciated

2nd Oct 2014, 01:41
Ringox, you can do your BFR in a single (assuming you're so rated). Your "IR" is actually an IPC; it can be done in any IFR certified single as well. You'll get all kinds of answers as to whether the a/c has to be US registered; I always felt that as long as it's a type certified in the US then foreign registered is okay - I'm open to interpretations, though :). Either you or your CFI must be Brazilian licensed, of course.

2nd Oct 2014, 01:54
Rotorhead1026, Thanks for your answer, I just wanna verify, Are you sure I can make my biennial in a single even though I also have my multi addon?, and, Could I make my IPC on the same flight as the BFR?. Regarding the U.S registered airplane I'm sure the regulations don't specify anything, just that has to be done with a FAA Certified Flight Instructor.:ok:

4th Oct 2014, 01:33
Yup and yup. I often do my BFR in a helicopter ... and I fly a 737 (overseas). Yes, you could do them on the same flight. BFR is any aircraft you're rated in; IPC is category specific (so if I took an IPC in a helicopter, it wouldn't be valid for airplanes).

6th Oct 2014, 22:23
Thanks a lot for your answer, now I feel more confident in what i'm gonna do.
Hope your answers also help someone else in my same conditions!

Once again thanks and safe flights!!:ok: