View Full Version : FAA Advisory Circular 25-7A

28th May 2002, 20:10
Anyone got an electronic copy of the .pdf file for AC25-7A? Preferably at Change 1.

The FAA website download is corrupt and I have had no joy in getting them to reload it!

I would like to make some use of it on a test program I have just become involved in (certain updated maritime patrol aircraft)

28th May 2002, 22:50
It worked fine for me at
I can email a copy if you like - 1728 kb.
Its not Change 1 though.

We did a bit of work on that here recently. I don't see anything in the AC about wing stores.

29th May 2002, 17:44
Thanks for the link - it seems to be a different portal to the same source I was using. Worked a treat though so thanks again!

You are correct there is not much in an FAA AC dealing with wing stores but there are large amounts of the aircraft that are directly related to the material in the AC (specifically the NAV kit)

Thanks again!

2nd Jun 2002, 11:14
At least one of the US CD database subscriptions includes a lot of ACs, including 25-7 ... well worth a subscription as the cost is minimal and the convenience not bad at all.

To avoid any semblance of advertising, if anyone is not familiar with the several crowds who provide these subscriptions, I can provide details via email.