View Full Version : What will happen to GR4 pilots?

19th Aug 2014, 22:18
So what will happen to the GR4 pilots when they are finally decommissioned?

Will all of the pilots be made redundant or will they get the opportunity to train for the Eurofighter or the F-35?

19th Aug 2014, 22:19
What happened to the VC10 and Tristar crew too ?

19th Aug 2014, 22:26
How many ETs and F-35's are on order? I know there is a load of the C variants of the F-35's for the carriers although I believe the MOD has ordered both B and C variants.

Rhino power
19th Aug 2014, 22:56
F-35B only for the RAF/FAA, no C's...


19th Aug 2014, 23:02
They could use them as re-enactors at a RAF Waddington 2015....errrr 2016, it will allow them to prance up and down in front of the crowds in their flying suits :p

That or the F737 :)

Sorry I shouldn't

19th Aug 2014, 23:11
RP - no C's?

So who are the C's going to? US Navy?

I thought the C's would be more suitable for the carriers due to the folding wings(?) like the F-18.


Cat Funt
19th Aug 2014, 23:56
Let me get my popcorn...


19th Aug 2014, 23:56
The UK carriers won't be equipped for conventional jets, only the vstol ones.... Silly decision in my book.

20th Aug 2014, 01:04
I agree. They also won't be nuclear powered because the Government said it's "too expensive" - well so is diesel!!!

20th Aug 2014, 02:35
They won't use any diesel in dry dock.... :ugh:

5 Forward 6 Back
20th Aug 2014, 04:05
Typhoon93, as a serious answer, we don't maintain a force of 7 squadrons up until OSD then chop the whole lot en masse. There's a phased draw-down, so on a given year, there are only handfuls of pilots who need new jobs (circa 15 per front line squadron).

Some may be sent to QFI roles like they would be regardless of the GR4's fate, and their future employment can be worried about further down the line. Some will get promoted or move to staff officer jobs. Some will go to Typhoon, some to Reaper, some to completely different aircraft streams, some will leave, and others will go to more esoteric jobs.

The last Sqn I was on that folded, I can't think of any pilot who isn't still flying something, except by choice.

20th Aug 2014, 04:30
Whereas the Navs.....

20th Aug 2014, 06:48
We don't chop the lot en masse ? Has happened more than once in the last ten years!

20th Aug 2014, 08:02
The Nimrod fleet drawdown was pretty en-masse in my book!!

Courtney Mil
20th Aug 2014, 08:37

Yes, you're right about where the current batch of GR4 pilots will go, but the problem is the guys that are already in those roles/posts end up with no flying jobs to go back to. Plus, Typhoon will need to be sending some guys to be QFIs too, in order to have Typhoon QFIs further down the line. We've been through all this before when I was at Group. Trying to maintain critical mass for FJ aircrew then leads to shorter flying tours so that you end up with second and third tourists - the seed corn for QWI and Flt cdrs - with too few hours to become supervisors.

Manning and Air Cmd need to start working this and the training pipeline PDQ or it will get ugly.

Willard Whyte
20th Aug 2014, 09:34
Tranche 4.

But only when they've signed up to the 'no pension 'til 60 clause'*

*or whatever.

20th Aug 2014, 14:19
Thanks for that 5F6B.

5 Forward 6 Back
21st Aug 2014, 06:23
Courtney, well aware of the challenges right now; lots of papers on QFI sustainment and future requirements meander across my desk! I have no answers, and neither does anyone else it seems. We need more than we have a front line to sustain, but the picture changes alarmingly whenever you ask Ascent...

21st Aug 2014, 06:51
5 Forward 6 Back , many of us warned that this would happen, but were told that as mere Sqn Ldrs, we knew nothing about 'the big picture'....

As ye sow, so shall ye reap!

Part of the benefit of the old UAS scheme was that it generated and sustained a significant cadre of QFIs and gave novice QFIs an opportunity to learn their craft with students of widely varying levels of aptitude. But with the dumbing down of the UASs in 2005, thanks to the infamous Marston report (which was to UASs what Beeching was to the railways..), there are very few RAF QFIs needed to maintain the Kraft durch Freude activity at UASs these days.....:(

Courtney Mil
21st Aug 2014, 11:39
Yes, sounds like the wheel has turned once again. Of course when I did this last time we didn't have Ascent there to "help."

Pontius Navigator
21st Aug 2014, 12:57
The way the air force works is as described with aircrew steadily progressing from one type to another or sideways to staff jobs.

This is in contrast to some civil operators where they see no economic benefit in training old pilots to a new aircraft and also training new pilots to replace them on the old type. They simply dump the one and recruit the other, which was what happened when Heavylift binned the Belslow.

Right now, at 21, the OP is definitely in between. Unlikely that he would be streamed Tornado (?) and too soon for Lightning so there is really only one FJ option.

romeo bravo
21st Aug 2014, 14:31
Happened quickly for the puffer jet crews....... 2 months IIRC

Bob Viking
21st Aug 2014, 15:46
Not too soon for F35 by any stretch. If someone has yet to start IOT they are very much in the bracket for F35. Whether we send first tourists there or send them via Typhoon is a policy decision further down the line but we have (experienced) guys already in the States flying F35. JPs will be sure to follow in the not so distant future.

21st Aug 2014, 20:53
If I was selected and passed all the training, I certainly wouldn't complain about flying the Eurofighter! I saw it during its first public display year in 2005 at Shoreham and have been fascinated by it ever since.

The F-35, while it looks cool, is it a good aircraft? The guy who designed the A-10 and the F-16 has ripped it and Lockheed Martin to bits, as have a few other sources. Apparently, it can't turn as fighters should so it would be dominated by other 5th generation fighters that the Russians and Chinese are equipped with and there's loads of other things wrong with it. Is there anybody on here with experience who can confirm any of that?

21st Aug 2014, 21:32
T93 I'm sure this thread will help; http://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/424953-f-35-cancelled-then-what.html

21st Aug 2014, 23:18
IG, thanks, but that's a massive thread that will take some time to get through. What's the jist of it?

I already have the stickies in here to finish reading which are a bit more important so can't commit to that thread... yet. :)

21st Aug 2014, 23:25

I wouldn't bother dude. It's 254 pages of debate trying to answer if it will be "Cancelled, then what?" and its still hasn't (and won't).

21st Aug 2014, 23:30
Is it worth £200 million though?

The government are constantly moaning about money and we apparently don't have any but they're prepared to spend £200 million on each aircraft. If I remember correctly that is more than double the cost of a Typhoon and the feedback I'm getting from research, and having seen it myself in flight, is that it's a pretty bloody good bit of kit which acted well against being shot at in Op Ellamy and turns well. So is it really £120 million better than the Typhoon?