View Full Version : Cathay Firsts! Fact or fiction?

19th Aug 2014, 05:42
Many parts were salvaged from the crashed L-1011 last flown as Eastern Airlines Flight 401. Those parts were installed in other L-1011s, some of which were flown by Cathay. It has been said that aircraft on which parts of the crashed L-1011 had been installed have been involved in sightings of ghosts on board.

Cathay crew were the FIRST to publicly report on-board sightings of ghosts of those who died in the crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 401.

Fact or fiction? Cite your source confirming or denying the claim.

19th Aug 2014, 05:59
Fact. Specifically lower galley.:eek:

19th Aug 2014, 06:08
Derived fiction. Some of the oven units were salvaged. When word got out that they were from 401 the superstition of the Asian cabin crew took over. One cc worked alone in the lower galley so it was a bit spooky down there on your own in flight anyway.

Nobody got a selfie with a ghost, so it didn't happen.

19th Aug 2014, 06:08
Cathay was the very first delivery customer for the 747-200 in 1979.

Fact or fiction?

Old Fella
19th Aug 2014, 06:11
Only ever operated on the three leased L1011's ( N314EA-N316EA-N321EA) and never had the experience of seeing any of the "Ghosts". Not a bad urban myth which seems to be still doing the rounds. Maybe had I remained on the fleet long enough to have been involved with the later purchased ex Eastern aircraft I might have encountered a ghost. Cathay were nearly a decade late to have been the launch customer for the B747-200 which was launched in 1971. CX did not acquire their first B747 until 1979 (VR-HKG). Engines were RB211-524B's.

19th Aug 2014, 06:24
Cathay was first to operate the 777-300 in revenue service.

Fact or fiction?

19th Aug 2014, 06:37
Ref: Ghost of Flight 401.

I think this puts it quite clearly that EASTERN was the company that first saw ghosts of the crew. As well as a little exorcism to deal with.

Old Fella
19th Aug 2014, 06:38
Sorry Oval3Holer. Let Wikipedia be your friend.

White None
19th Aug 2014, 06:42
Fact or Fiction - Quadspeed proves in writing he can neither count nor spell so closes his thread and runs off :=

Welcome light relief in a sea of Doom :D

19th Aug 2014, 06:49
Not even close on the 747-200 claim. Quoting from Joe Sutter's book '747'.

"The first 747-200B went to KLM in January 1971, and before that year was out, this model was also flying in the colours of Air India, Alitalia, Condor, El Al, JAL, Lufthansa, Northwest, Sabena, SAS, SAA, Swissair and Qantas."

Ahh, but maybe it was the first RR powered 747-200 ???


19th Aug 2014, 06:56
No. Wikipedia - Ba introduced the first RR powered 747 into service in 1977.

Old Fella
19th Aug 2014, 07:00
False again I'm afraid. Bristish Airways was the launch customer, in 1975, for RB211 powered B747's. Four aircraft fitted with RB211-524B engines.

19th Aug 2014, 07:15
False again!

“We were the very first delivery customer for the 747-200 in 1979,” said Owen. “The 747 of Cathay has been a truly transformational piece of equipment allowing Cathay to grow from being a regional carrier in Asia to being an international carrier, allowing us to fly long-haul without stopping.”

Cathay Pacific Bids Farewell to the 747 at SFO (http://www.nycaviation.com/2014/08/cathay-pacific-bids-farewell-747-sfo/#.U%E2%80%94GpaUdVUQ)

19th Aug 2014, 07:42
Cathay was the first airline to be the victim of air piracy and hijacking when VR-HDT was overrun by pirates and crashed on a flight from Macao on 16 July, 1948. True or False?

19th Aug 2014, 08:00
777-200 N77701 now B-HNL first 777 built
777-300 B-HNE first 300 built
777-300 B-HNQ last 300 built

A330 B-HLJ now the oldest in the world, number 12 build. Now KA, originally a GE powered Airbus test Aircraft. ( although there is some conflicting info on that )

broadband circuit
19th Aug 2014, 08:05
Cathay were the first airline to mercilessly sack 49 pilots for obviously industrial issues, but claim they were given 3 months' notice for "no particular reason"

Fact or Fiction???

19th Aug 2014, 08:22
Cathay trainers gave freighter DEC pilots 'special treatment' - fact or fiction? :E

Sand Man
19th Aug 2014, 08:51
Cathay invented aviation

True or False

Old Fella
19th Aug 2014, 08:53
Cathay were not the first to take delivery of a B747-200 in 1979. In fact their first B747-200 arrived in Hong Kong on 31 July 1979.

Old Fella
19th Aug 2014, 09:07
VR-HFX, you are correct. "Miss Macoa", a Catalina PBY, was enroute from Macau to Hong Kong when hijacked. Gold Bullion was believed to be the incentive.

19th Aug 2014, 09:07
Sand man is bitter and twisted......

true or false?

19th Aug 2014, 09:10
Fact or Fiction?

Cathay Pilots will get a 15% raise retroactive to 2008 and cost of living adjustments for the next 10 years.

19th Aug 2014, 09:20
Quadspeed admits he's a Muppet

Fact or Fiction - Quadspeed proves in writing he can neither count nor spell so closes his thread and runs off

Welcome light relief in a sea of Doom

Now, now. I never admitted to being a muppet. And no, I didn't close my thread... it was going along quite nicely. It was shut down by a moderator right after something posted an amusing take on my spelling mistakes. So your statement is therefore part fact and part fiction. Fact: I can't spell or count. Fiction: I closed my own thread. As for running off, the jury is still out.

But in all honestly and in light of your rather unkind remarks, how much do you expect from a college dropout who drives planes for a living? Given, in this case the spell-check that usually saves my uneducated ass failed me twice (!)

19th Aug 2014, 10:19
I say it is true for one reason and one reason only...spoken with cabin attendants who claim to have seen...a ghost in the lower galley. I have been in this part of the world long enough to believe the folklore that some are blessed with the third eye (the one that can see ghosts)...

Mind you gweilos/gweipaws can pop up anywhere to ruin your day:E

Sandman...False. Correct answer is QF.

CX - Longest non-stop flight in a 747-200. True or false? Name the PIC for bonus point.

19th Aug 2014, 11:33
First "Pod-Nod". True or False

Soul planet
19th Aug 2014, 11:46
Award winning everry single thing!!! KFC fact or fiction? :}

19th Aug 2014, 13:56
In another airline, it became clear that what was a joke to us wasn't so funny for a girl working alone in the underfloor galley.
I'd imagine every little noise or trick of the eye caused a little flutter of the heart. I'm sure there are many chaps who wish they could have the same effect :E

Flying Mechanic
19th Aug 2014, 15:07
To HFX was the pilot capt Mike Mxxxx Weir?

19th Aug 2014, 16:03
HLJ (msn 12) was the first A330 built, msn's 1 - 11 were all A340's. HLK (msn 17) was the second A330 built. Both were GE powered originally and were the A330 flight test vehicles.
HLJ was re-engined with RR by Airbus for the Trent 700 test program and then refurbished when bought by CX. HLK was first re-engined to PW by Airbus for internal use then converted to RR when bought by CX.

19th Aug 2014, 23:08
Oh no...and now we have pilots believing in paranormal nonsense, despite trusting their lives and livelihoods to science all the time...

I've flown with quite a few religious pilots... That's what you meant right:}:}:E

20th Aug 2014, 00:55
First "Pod-Nod". True or False

A term initially used on the L1011. And later used to describe the changes made to the 211s on the B742s. An idea engineered by former head of engineering Stewart John.

Pod Nod' that you refer to was an L1011 phenomenon I believe. It occured when at moderate thrust (as I recall...memory's a bit slack these days!) and started during light turbulence when a harmonic motion of the wing got the engine pod oscillating up and down. Looked quite dramaric from the cabin but apparently there were no ill effects. Was stopped by adjusting the power a little.

One of the most common causes of Pod-Nod on the RB211-22B(L1011) and the early RB211-524's C2/D4 is an oscillation of fuel flow. Causing the engine speed to 'pulse'. The change in the engine rotor speed as a result of this harmonic pulsing was for the engine to swing from side to side, I've seen them move by 6-10' in the test cell, probably more on wing. Exactly the same way the engine in your car rocks as you blip the throttle open and closed.

The most recent cause of this phenomena was a weeping fuel seal in the pump and governor (PAG) fuel pump. As it was weeping the change in fuel pressure caused the demanded fuel flow to increase and decrease, thus causing the pulsing/oscillation. Needless to say this unit is made by LUCAS, say no more!


20th Aug 2014, 04:47
CV880-----thanks, that clears that up.

No wonder J and K felt tired!!

20th Aug 2014, 09:00
Flying Mechanic

No it was not he of navbag contents-in-the-bath fame.

P. Randall Esq. From memory it was HIH which was gutted by HAECO and then flown nonstop to Wichita for BCF conversion around 1994.

Flying Mechanic
20th Aug 2014, 11:04
I remember Patt and Pinky from Hebe in the 80's! I think their yacht was blue and white. The flight must of been 17/18 hours?

20th Aug 2014, 11:09
Flying Mechanic

That is they. Same vintage as Mssrs Jenner, McBain et al. Liked his hockey at the HKFC.

I think block time was about 16hrs and 38 minutes....with not much left in reserve...although a lot of very long strips available en-route in mainland US:ok:

N1 Vibes
29th Aug 2014, 07:32
Cathay pilots - first at the bar......gulp.