View Full Version : Tigerair Australia

18th Aug 2014, 05:08
Hi there,

I am attending an assessment day for Tigerair in Sydney on Wednesday (20th of August 2014).

Without getting ahead of myself - I want to be prepared if I get the job as I have to move from Brisbane.

I'm a little worried about when you get paid etc just because obviously I have to leave my current job and I can't last for too long without getting paid again.

Does anyone know when you get paid for Tigerair ground school? I've been told it's a base wage which is fine but it would be nice if someone who has done ground school with them recently would be able to give me some insight into it.

Thank you!!

18th Aug 2014, 12:38
Pretty sure they are also recruiting for BNE base too. You may not have to move!

19th Aug 2014, 01:55
They are hiring for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane which is pretty cool.

I really am hoping to make the move to Sydney but obviously if the pay isn't for a month or so I don't think it's a good idea.

19th Aug 2014, 04:38
Hey there kshep93,

I will also be attending tomorrow's assessment day in Sydney. Is this your first time attending an assessment day?

I am very excited! I wonder how many others will be there too!

Good luck!!!

26th Aug 2014, 07:29
Anyone know from TigerAir GS who the current cabin crew trainers are?