View Full Version : MALM Ivan Burns

mr snow
4th Aug 2014, 22:46
One of the great characters of the ALM fraternity, Ivan Burns, sadly passed away today. I'm struggling to find words that would do justice to his professionalism, kindness and generosity. All I know is that I'm going to miss him. RIP Ivan T

4th Aug 2014, 23:12
Yes was one of my instructors at Brize many years ago. A great character with many great quotes and fatherly advice!!!!:D
I will raise a grouse or two to his memory

Rest easy Ivan T

5th Aug 2014, 06:20
A true gent, always there with friendly advice for the younger ALMs, a massive loss to the aircrew world. RIP Ivan

mole man
5th Aug 2014, 07:57
Sad news, RIP Ivan T

Mole Man

5th Aug 2014, 08:06
Not only was Ivan a great ALM, he was also a true gentleman in every sense of the word. I have had many a good time with Ivan in Gulf Air and it was always a pleasure to do our annual SEP training when Ivan ran it.

God speed Ivan, you will be truly missed.

5th Aug 2014, 19:06
RIP Ivan, another of the brotherhood lost to the freightbay in the sky.