View Full Version : Dear GMA

29th Jul 2014, 08:02
Please continue on your present course because;

A/ We are making huge amounts of $$$ overtime and..

B/ We are having too much fun watching the wheels come off.

Have a great weekend.

29th Jul 2014, 12:48
Another manager post...... With proper pay reviews I'd be making what I'm making in overtime, without being in overtime. Also, I would not be sick so much, because I would be working less (less cumulative fatigue and picking up germs from the multitudes).

30th Jul 2014, 00:45
To make what my fellow crewmembers and I make in overtime, we would need a 20-70% payrise depending on who you fly with.

30th Jul 2014, 01:08
And you can reduce your remaining lifespan by 20-70% if you keep working that hard.

30th Jul 2014, 10:10
cruise control have been told not to bother trying to re-schedule to save overtime up to 102 hours per crew member, as this is what they need to "keep the wheels from falling off"

They need to recruit and train 500 Pilots a year to keep pace..................

US based F/O's are thinning out rapidly

United - 55 applications from CX

Delta - 53 applications from CX

Sure pays to get the whole pilot force "off side"..................gotta admire the management style......................

30th Jul 2014, 10:37
Is that true about hours and US apps?

If so, well that is VV interesting...

Verified, or was this from a mate who knows someone who overheard?

Progress Wanchai
30th Jul 2014, 13:32
Forget the rumours, look at the facts as published by CX.

Despite all the smiley photos of CPA xyz leaving ADL to commence conversion training, there are less numbers on the seniority list than 12 months ago.

Interesting indeed.

30th Jul 2014, 14:11
FEWER numbers on the seniority list.

Sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:

30th Jul 2014, 15:39
Sweet, I'll be Sen No. 1 in no time! :cool::cool:

30th Jul 2014, 16:25
I've just compared the Jul 13 and the Jul 14 seniority list and we now have 50 more on the list ...... you are talking bollocks

30th Jul 2014, 17:06
... is 50 more than last year enough to crew the airline? What is the fleet size and flying task relative to last year? I seriously think the shortage is becoming critical if it's not already. There are indeed many apps going out to other carriers, including many captains. Don't forget all the furloughees from American/TWA who will get their last chance to rejoin the seniority list in the near future. Many of those guys can go back as narrow body captains based in the good ol' US of A. How many actually leave is anyone's guess? I know I'm looking at it. Lack of basings and taxation give Americans very little incentive to stay.

30th Jul 2014, 23:13
50 more than last year is surely more SO's. Just what we need (and I am not having a dig at the SO's).

31st Jul 2014, 02:22
Sounds like 3 man LRO to Europe will solve the problem then!

31st Jul 2014, 02:59
Well if even half of those on US furlows leave , with 3 new Chicago flights weekly And a whole bunch of new 350's arriving I think we could be just a little short of two essentials crew and goodwill

31st Jul 2014, 03:06
A properly crewed airline doesn't need goodwill, but CX will never pay for reserves in the quantities required for that.

Rod, we have already seen from the MCIM that CX does not see the 34 hours as a requirement for three man ops. I think CH has shown his cards a bit early in this case. Make no mistake, fatigue is a cocktail party punch line for this lot.

31st Jul 2014, 03:08
Btw.. I bet more than half those A350s are aircraft replacements, not growth.

31st Jul 2014, 19:29
Just heard another experienced US based FO has resigned ( hired by AA).
Question: is it management intentions to crew Flights in 2015/16 with JFO?
Is the company deliberately allowing experienced pilots ( who are entitled to HA) to go just in the hope to upgrade all the cadets in 2-3 years time?
No offense but disastrous results will follow....

31st Jul 2014, 22:06
Managements intent is to have the cheapest possible crew upfront.

Irrespective of safety.

Only $$$ count.

If they lose a hull, they won't be concerned beyond how it impacts their insurance and bottom line.

This company has reached into the depths of depravity, grabbed a firm hold of the noxious weeds and muscled down to new lows of hopelessness.

In a term we drivers well know, it is past the PNR.

31st Jul 2014, 23:27
Thanks for the explicit and clear clarification. Agree 100%.

Not Hiding
1st Aug 2014, 02:29
Just heard another experienced US based FO has resigned ( hired by AA).

If you heard that it was TW who has resigned and hired by AA, it's not true. AA hasn't hired off the street yet. I suppose you also heard that he was given his choice of aircraft and base. Yeah, right.

1st Aug 2014, 04:29

Where are you getting those numbers? It seems a bit illegal for US carriers to share that info with CX. Not that it would stop CX, but US carriers would certainly be responsible. Something seems odd there.

1st Aug 2014, 05:00
Actually... AA HAS hired off the street, and have been for several months. Street hires have been awarded MIA and DFW, multiple aircraft types.

1st Aug 2014, 09:23
American is "not hiding..."

Pilot :: AA Careers (http://careers.aa.com/en/ac/jobpost/american-airlines-pilot)

1st Aug 2014, 09:37
AA has been hiring full-speed. The only anomaly right now is whether you go initially to the US, or AA side pre-merger.

American interviews and class dates - Airline Pilot Central Forums (http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/american-us-airways-merger/77618-american-interviews-class-dates.html)

Interview Calls & Hiring Predictions - Airline Pilot Central Forums (http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ual-cal-merger/81466-interview-calls-hiring-predictions.html)

Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta? - Airline Pilot Central Forums (http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/major/36912-any-latest-greatest-about-delta.html)

50+ pilots hiring a month for the foreseeable future. Same for Delta, and United.

If you are an American considering jumping ship from CX, catch the beginning of this wave, don't wait. I know hope springs eternal but this lot are not going to change. We have a pretty good idea which way the S.S. Cathay is headed.

Sad, could have been a great career.

1st Aug 2014, 11:34
Bye bye then.

crwkunt roll
1st Aug 2014, 15:02
I haven't heard of anybody leaving, not that I know everybody, but there's no talk of it other than here.

1st Aug 2014, 17:14
Incorrect!!! One starts Monday at Delta and another later this summer at UPS. Some of the American furloughees will go back, including freighter captains.

Arfur Dent
1st Aug 2014, 17:24
Heard this all before so don't hold your breath. Maybe a couple will go but 50 - 100 - 200?? Not a chance ( unfortunately because that is precisely what is required).

Not Hiding
2nd Aug 2014, 18:13
AA hasn't hired off the street yet.

I take it back. I had consulted obviously outdated information.

2nd Aug 2014, 18:54

Very nice. Keep working those G days and doing your part for your caring employer.


3rd Aug 2014, 11:15
Oh dear, box. That cutting, incisive, razor-like wit. I'm almost hurt. Just try not to say anything too crass or loud; I don't need any distractions when working on my g day.

3rd Aug 2014, 13:51

I love how the yanks are suddenly hailing the graces of the US major carriers.

What a farce. Ask any pilot in the civilised world whether they would like to emulate the Ts & Cs of a US carrier. The answer is **** no.

Sorry your appalling hourly pay schedule didn't work out. Luckily most (with any sense) don't view United as some holy grail. I already feel like every other worker wears a name badge to work.

Shot Nancy
3rd Aug 2014, 14:33
I've always wondered why you don't wear wings on your shirt.
I guess they'll replace the name badge with inmate number soon.

3rd Aug 2014, 16:14

Have you bothered to look at any of the contracts of the big 3 US carriers? Unfortunately, our 35 page contract, including "salary", falls woefully short. Have a look for yourself. Stay savvy boys!!


3rd Aug 2014, 16:30
I don't think anyone is hailing the US carriers as the holy grail. It's just that CX has gotten so bad that US legacies start to look compelling. No thanks to all the company loyalists in this asylum working their G days and trying desperately to save the company 100kg. You guys are like abused women blaming yourself (or the AOA) for your abusers indiscretions and always coming back for more in hopes that it will get better. Wise up! It won't.

US carriers are proper seniority airlines with proper contracts and labor protections, but they are far from perfect. You won't be sacked for "no particular reason" but may get furloughed if the economy goes south. Of course, there's nothing to stop CX from having redundancies either except history. If you take a good look, it's obvious that CX is departing from its proud past on many fronts these days. Redundancies could be yet another down the road.

3rd Aug 2014, 16:41
Correct me if I am wrong (you obviously know everything) but the 34 hours is purely an "easy" rostering tool: if the 34 H rule is used, they shoot themselves in the foot, as the duty (or is it sector) length becomes 14.75H with a 3 crew LRO. However, they can roster me to rest for 14H (or the preceding duty length), or a sleep OPORTUNITY between 2200 and 0600, (which takes into account the 14H etc) before operating to Table A or B plus the rest as a 3 man crew. So that would be 18H, as a 3 crew, for only 14H rest! Glass houses and another AOA own goal for pointing it out!

3rd Aug 2014, 17:44
cxorcist, you have a short memory. Many flight engineers were made redundant.
Remember ASL? 42 Flight Engineers did not have their contracts renewed by CX and had to apply to "ASL" if they wanted a job. Same job, same aircraft, same Ops manuals. Redundant or no contract renewal? - a mute point! Around a dozen Oz F/Es did not get a job as there were fewer vacancies in Oz.
Then there was the winding down of the classic fleet. All the remaining F/Es were made redundant but some were later re-employed in junior positions at ASL with, of course, the associated loss of pay and conditions.

The GMA, the DFO and the MD cared not! Lots of sympathy from the AOA and others though!

I would not rely on past history.

3rd Aug 2014, 19:51
Curtain rod - you still have a job, many CX F/Es did not, even though the Company was still operating Classics with cheap ASL labour.

For years I heard the old cry "the Company is going to have to pay more or else no one will join".

I used to reply that the Company would never pay more but would keep lowering the experience levels until they had takers - and look what has happened.

For even more years I heard talk of CC, strike action, sick outs and look what has happened - nothing.

If you read my post again you would realise that I was reminding cxorcist that CX is no stranger to redundancy and that past history is not a comfort blanket.

For my friends and ex colleagues at CX, I wish them well, but you, curtain rod, are irrelevant!

You might want to take a course in "How to win friends and influence people".

3rd Aug 2014, 19:57

Your point is well taken. I had not thought of the FEs when I wrote my last. They were indeed screwed over, in some cases more than once. Just add that to the growing list of reasons to leave.

3rd Aug 2014, 21:03
cxorcist, Thank you. I wish you well.

4 driver
4th Aug 2014, 06:27
Many of us still remember N.T.S.B who jumped first to ASL and degraded conditions and delayed commands for all of us.....we don't forget.

4th Aug 2014, 07:45
Curtain Rod, You just don't get it do you?

All F/Es knew that one day they would be "obsolete", just as wireless operators and navigators were. But CX were making F/Es redundant BEFORE the demise of the Classic and were using ASL's cheaper crews, with lower Ts and Cs, to carry on the work.

4 driver and cxorcist obviously have a better grasp of the situation than you. You should speak to them.

The point is that CX are not immune to making its loyal staff redundant, even when the positions are still needed to keep the operation going. Even seniority is no guarantee of security - ask the 49ers.

You have stated that you are not trying to win friends and influence people and in that you have succeeded, that is why I suggested that you take the course.

4th Aug 2014, 14:48
Curtain, Curtain, Curtain!

You tire so easily! It must be all those crap rosters that I read about - I'm sure they will get better, just for you.

Yes, there is nothing like a good screwing.

Enjoy yours, it seems that you could do with one.

I have a great deal of sympathy, indeed empathy, with those affected by the Company's actions that you have listed. It is a pity that you could not demonstrate some of it.

P.S. You obviously still haven't done the course yet!

To the others out there, I wish you well.

5th Aug 2014, 03:08
At an immigration queue, chatted up some Air China pilots. They were on the 744, 2 captains and 3 first officers, on a five hour flight. I asked how many were in training: None! And they said on long haul, they are normally 6 pilots on a 744.

That is Air China, and we are facing reducing 4 crew to 3, while they are at 6! An no RQ there, sufficient captains to crew it all the time.

Next time CX says they will align to industry standard, ask them how "cousin AC" is doing it!

Yes, I know their conditions on other points are probably much less favourable, so you don't need to suggest I go join AC thanks.

5th Aug 2014, 03:33
3 of them are translators for the other 3 who can't speak English.