View Full Version : Speedtape on VivaAerobus wing

8th Jul 2014, 12:07
Passengers on Mexican budget carrier VivaAerobus were alarmed to see what appeared to be a gaping hole above one of the engines on a domestic flight from Monterrey to Tampico last week.

One passenger filmed the makeshift repair out his window and posted a clip to YouTube saying: “Some people take very seriously the saying that the duct tape fixes everything” (translated).

The airline has released a statement saying it “deeply regrets” the situation and the unease it caused passengers.


8th Jul 2014, 12:25
So did the hole open up in flight or did it happen in flight?

8th Jul 2014, 12:34
Well from the picture it very much looks like an access hole with the access panel missing or removed, hence the speed tape application badly applied perhaps..

compressor stall
8th Jul 2014, 12:37
I can't speak for open access holes, but speed tape repair / protection is allowable under the AMM in some circumstances.