View Full Version : A nice little touch in Thunderbird.

7th May 2014, 17:07
Not a question or query. I was composing a speculative letter in Thunderbird which was eventually to have a PDF attached (a portfolio of my work). The body of the letter contained the phrase 'please find attached my portfolio as a PDF'. Anyway, I wanted to test some text formatting first and sent the mail to another of my accounts without the attachment.

Thunderbird flagged the word 'attached' and asked if I had forgotten the attachment! I hadn't because of the test I was doing but I thought that was quite neat.:ok:

A couple of times I've forgotten to attach my CV when making job applications:ugh:Not sure if this is a common feature in most email apps. A nice touch anyway.

9th May 2014, 10:38
It also recognises included/incusion I think. Its quite clever the way it detects that something else needs to go with the email.

9th May 2014, 10:47
Thunderbird only picks up what you've written. So if you write, "I'm very attached to you", it asks you if you've forgotten an attachment when you go to send it. It works 98% of the time, because you usually write, "see attached xxxx".
All in all, though, Thunderbird is an exceptionally good email program, far better than anything MS has ever produced.

9th May 2014, 13:19
Yea, a PITA when you reply to somebody with the phrase

"regarding your attachment"

9th May 2014, 17:47
Thunderbird is an exceptionally good email program, far better than anything MS has ever produced

I know it's a long way but could you pop over and tell my wife that, I connot stop her using that live junk. :)

10th May 2014, 12:37
It's a neat feature, and has saved me from forgetting to attach something many a time. When there isn't an attachment, one click tells it so.

It's sad that they've decided not to "maintain" it. There's nothing else comes close, in my view.

Unlike pesky Firefox: it updated this morning, and lost most of my settings. The tabs are now greyed out and at the top of the page, instead of in full contrast and immediately above the main box. Custom toolbar vanished, with all its icons and links. Forecastfox and the detailed weather stuff has gone. I think they want me to migrate to Chrome.

10th May 2014, 12:46
I wish Live Snail would remind me about attachments ........... I keep forgetting to attach them!

I used to think it was an age thing but my teenage cousins and son are just as bad!.

Saab Dastard
10th May 2014, 13:24
Unlike pesky Firefox: it updated this morning, and lost most of my settings.
Strange, I updated to 29.0.1 today (from 29) and had no problems.


10th May 2014, 14:06
"I'm very attached to you" I like that:D

10th May 2014, 14:10
I think they want me to migrate to Chrome.

A better migration would be SRWare Iron which is Chrome without the unwanted stuff.

10th May 2014, 15:14
Strange, I updated to 29.0.1 today (from 29) and had no problems.

- Forecastfox doesn't work;
- Tabs moved from immediately above main box to top of screen, and greyed out to make them illegible;
- Status bar disappeared;
- Add-ons bar disappeared;
- Custom toolbar gone;
- Separators gone.

Apart from that...

Saab Dastard
10th May 2014, 15:34

Did you upgrade from < 28 to 29.0?

If so, you might want to look at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/

It took me about an hour after upgrading to 29.0 to get FF back to how I want it rather than what FF told me to have!


10th May 2014, 19:51
I don't know what version I was on pre-update, but I would expect it to have been the immediately previous one - would that be 29.0.0? However, until 29.0.1 arrived all was as I've had it for ages prior, so maybe I went straight from 28 or less to 29.0.1.

I've got it back to my preferred settings now, apart from the tabs being greyed out and hard to read.

There's also an annoying little "jump" when I switch tabs. Just perceptible, but makes me feel giddy when I toggle from one to the next. Must be my age :) (or the vino).

10th May 2014, 22:04
Phew! You're right! That sorted it all.

That's a fine add-on, is "Classic Theme Restorer." I think it's the only one needed. It put the missing stuff back, allowed the tabs to be the bottom toolbar rather than the top one, stopped them greying out, stopped the screen jumping at each tab change, and stopped the main screen "centring" when I try to snip a piece of whatever's on display (hence moving what I want to snip right off the screen in some cases).

The only problem left is that the font for the toolbars is tiny. I'll have a look for that setting next.

11th May 2014, 11:30
Have they really actually gone live with the new FF UI? Despite the appalling feedback they had from beta testing a couple of weeks ago? :confused:
this is why I use FF LTS... apart from security updates, no upgrade for me until October :cool: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/

11th May 2014, 16:26
This version is called "Australis". I don't know about beta-testing: I've not volunteered or been asked in the past couple of years. I don't know what the good points of the new Firefox are, but I've found out a lot of bad ones :(

Happily, the "Classic Theme Restorer" has got the setup back to more or less where I like it.