View Full Version : Sas Denmark

20th May 2002, 14:18
hi guys at SAS!!

im an air steward for BA in london on the 747-767-777 but i live in copenhagen and commute,, i just wanna say how i love using sas when i commute, i get treated like a human being that is not the treatment when i fly with BA my own airline,,,, BA has an anti-commuter attitide and sometimes the crew on a BA flight will njot even talk to you!! and thats when u are even in uniform,,, i would travel sas anyday, the service is always fab and the crew/groundstaff are wonderful.....im becoming very loyal to your comapny!!! thanx again for looking after, if u ever see me on a flight please say hello.....!! there are only 2 BA staff commuting from here in cph and one of them is a pilot!
i hope that everything sorts itself out in your company with all the restructuring, keep up the fab work.

thanks a lot .... simon