View Full Version : CX and aviation.

21st Apr 2014, 08:12
Seems CX is about to have a few anniversaries in the next month or so.

747 - 35yrs
744 - 25 yrs
777 (B-HNL) - 20yrs

And how will CX mark this occasion, doing SFA I bet, I'm not even sure they realize :ugh:

21st Apr 2014, 08:29
Might I suggest that you get a life SMOC

21st Apr 2014, 08:32
Don't worry about him SMOC I'm with ya.

HNL was/is the best 200 of them.

Maybe a quick email to the CXWorld editor might poke it along?

21st Apr 2014, 08:55
Might I suggest that you get a life SMOC

Cheers, perhaps I'll go post on threads I have absolutely no interest in. :ok:

Flying Mechanic
21st Apr 2014, 11:06
I really hope they do something, be great to some CX aircraft in retro color schemes.

21st Apr 2014, 13:05
Perhaps they are being conservative and maintaining a low profile celebration - management will award themselves massive bonuses to celebrate these milestones!

21st Apr 2014, 13:11
I really hope they do something, be great to some CX aircraft in retro color schemes.

Couldn't agree more. I really don't understand why they keep churning out bland dark green "special livery" designs that are non-distinctive. The first one done was kinda nice but then the next 4 were all the same!! Come on, any aviation geek with a little design background can do a much more creative and eye-catching livery than those they keep rehashing.

21st Apr 2014, 13:12
I'd love to think they'd celebrate the 'Queen of the Sky' s anniversary, an absolute workhorse, which has played a large part in putting the company where it is now.
However, the realist in me says the last thing they want to bring attention to is that they're still operating 25+ year old jets on passenger service. While other Asian carriers phased them out some time ago! :O

Sam Ting Wong
21st Apr 2014, 21:31
Great marketing idea. Brilliant.
While Emirates advertises First Class Suites in A380,
we celebrate 25 yrs 747.

21st Apr 2014, 23:13
How about we paint Hello Kitty on one of them!:ok:

Captain Dart
21st Apr 2014, 23:38
It's been done. By one of the Japanese airlines, I think.

22nd Apr 2014, 02:53
With the girls wearing those great old uniforms?

22nd Apr 2014, 04:25
& Taiwanese.. Eva's got some Hello Kitties.

22nd Apr 2014, 06:55
It's about time the CX livery changed anyway, it's dated, stuck in the 90's, far too conservative and needs to go. To the brand conscious passengers which is most of them these days that livery says a lot.

22nd Apr 2014, 08:01
...sure, great idea. Get the company to spend millions on new paint while we see yet another few years of no raises and no ps.....but 'ooohhh', look at the nice shiny new looking airplanes...!! brilliant. :ugh:

Yonosoy Marinero
22nd Apr 2014, 08:39
it's dated, stuck in the 90's, far too conservative and needs to go.

Are you talking about the livery or the management?

Sam Ting Wong
22nd Apr 2014, 11:04
Peepshow Management Consulting - YouTube

22nd Apr 2014, 11:57
We had a new paint scheme about a decade ago. Remember those silver freighters? Some shiny arse's bright idea to save ac weight and hence fuel. Pity CX didn't put on any lacquer and they all corroded Boeing even refused to deliver any in such condition. Management in the 90s, yea 1890s more like.

Noddys car
22nd Apr 2014, 13:24
Wont even spend any money to get the DC3 outside Hello Kitty City cleaned up and re-painted, or even the lower aerial re-attached.

A 744 in an old retro before retirement would look good- however with only JNB and SFO still on the long haul network, will be wasted flying around asia

22nd Apr 2014, 17:06
747 - 35 years?? I'm not sure if you continue to accrue anniversary years after you're dead or divorced! Why stop there? Why not include the DC-3?

broadband circuit
23rd Apr 2014, 04:09
When I read the thread title "CX and aviation.", I thought it was going to be about how CX invented aviation.

And didn't CX invent ULH flying?

23rd Apr 2014, 05:41
Wasn't it CX that introduced the B747-400 and called it the exceptional B747-SUD in all their marketing - Stretched Upper Decks.... press launch.... fanfare.. dancing hosteses....

until someone pointed out that SUD in the Western world meant Sudden Unexplained Death.......


Yonosoy Marinero
23rd Apr 2014, 07:27
SUD is how Boeing has always labelled the extended upper deck on when it was first introduced on the -200.

It's just that CX invented it, of course, right before they gave Boeing the blueprint for the 777.

23rd Apr 2014, 10:28
Stretched upper deck on a B747-200, would that be a B747-300?

Yonosoy Marinero
23rd Apr 2014, 13:18
Not exactly.

Before it became known as the -300, it was offered for sale and indeed designated the -200 SUD.

There are even a few frames which have been converted from -200 to -200SUD:


Coincidentally, it happened right around the time beancounters started running airlines...

23rd Apr 2014, 16:10
Actually the -200 SUD came out after the 747-300 was designed. Since there was little difference between the -300 and the -200 (aside from the longer upper deck) it was a relatively cheap way to get the benefits of the -300 without buying a new airplane.

IIRC, Boeing did the -200 SUD retrofit on 20 airplanes.

BTW, the longer upper deck didn't just add some seats - it gave the airplane better area ruling leading into the wing which improved the high speed drag characteristics. Improved cruise Mach by about .01 :D

23rd Apr 2014, 17:01
Does anyone remember the "pod nod" modification that CX engineering came up with in consultation with Boeing for the B747?

Flying Mechanic
23rd Apr 2014, 20:54
Yes I remember it, helped those 747's get to London with more payload/fuel, I think the idea came from Stewart John.

24th Apr 2014, 05:12
Great thread on the subject (from 2004):

Cathay Pod Nod's [Archive] - PPRuNe Forums (http://www.pprune.org/archive/index.php/t-136122.html)

Pod nod was indeed a L1011 and not a Boeing problem, as described above. As for the 747 the angle of incidence of the engine nacelles was changed from about the second -300 on, nothing to do with SJ, but a refinement by the manufacturer (probably when the -400 RR design was verified) Supposed to make a small difference on fuel burn, but not enough for retrofitting costs. If you look at HVY and compare the engine 'angle' on the wing to the -400 you will see the difference.:cool: