View Full Version : Cobham Aviation

10th Apr 2014, 13:05
Dear folks,

Does anyone have any heads-up re the Cobham Cabin Crew recruitment/process? They've recently advertised for crew for their Perth/Canberra Base.

I thought Cobham did charter flights out of Perth/Adelaide.

Is the b717 for Cobham or Qlink?

If you're in with Cobham, can you swap between charter and day-to-day flying?

They seem like a solid bunch from my understanding. But there's no heads-up for my query.

12th Apr 2014, 13:33
Cobham's recruitment process is just like any other airline out there. You start with group activities and then if you make it a one-on-one interview in the afternoon.
Cobham is not just doing charters. They do regularly scheduled flights. They are basically a contractor hired by Qantas to operate B717 on behalf of Qlink.

Miss F
17th Apr 2014, 07:40
...and no, you can't swap between Charter and RPT. This recruitment is for Qlink on the B717s.