View Full Version : Tattoos and airlines in the Philippines

1st Apr 2014, 07:42
Hi all..been quietly reading up on this forum a bit, it’s my first post and hopefully I’m posting this in the correct thread, so please be gentle :)

So my story goes - I’m 35 right now and working an IT job as of the moment, and have found myself with some money from an inheritance. Not a lot, but enough to pay for aviation school, from PPL all the way to A320 certification. Just a lucky break. I’m a Filipino, based in the Philippines and have been inquiring with some aviation schools (Omni, Masters, etc) and I’m deciding if it’s high time I leave my corporate job and go chase a dream. Corny, but it’s true :ok:

Anyhow, before I hand in my resignation papers to my boss, I want to be certain about one thing – tattoos. I have 5 of them, all done in my not-so-wise younger years. 3 are hidden if wearing clothes, and 2 are visible (left/right forearm).

In case I do go through with this and eventually get my schooling done, I know I would have to start off with domestic airlines (Air Asia Zest, Cebu Pacific, PAL, etc) which I understand will be like all other airlines to have a conservative view on tattoos.

The schools (Omni, Masters, etc) do not mind tattoos, so does the Office of the Flight Surgeon Aviation Medicine of CAAP when I inquired with them this week.

What I would like to ask if there are actual Filipino pilots here (or actually know some) who are presently working for these airlines, that have VISIBLE tattoos BUT are covered up (concealer) when in uniform? Much as I don’t want to, I am open to having them removed by laser. That would be a last resort, given the cost of removal, so concealer (Dermablend or something else) would be a good alternative I suppose.

Many thanks in advance, and hopefully there would be replies to this question :)

1st Apr 2014, 18:39
No problem, just wear long sleeves to your interviews. You will do you medical and have to show the Dr. But as far as the company goes it should not matter. I have plenty also and so do a lot of guys I fly with. Good luck!

1st Apr 2014, 20:08
My guess is that you will have no problems as long as you don't have any tattoos above your shirt collar or on your hands.
Everything else you can easily cover up with a long sleeve shirt.

I myself am a big fan of tattoos and have a couple myself but I make sure to be able to cover them up easily for interviews.

3rd Apr 2014, 12:48
I appreciate the reply folks. From what I've been told and read, western carriers are not that strict compared to our local carriers (Philippine Airlines, etc) who have a more conservative view on ink. Mine are all hidden if I wear long sleeves, nothing above the collar. That's why I was hoping there would be an actual PAL pilot that has ink to chime in, or at least personally knows one, it would really be helpful.

5th Apr 2014, 01:45
It shouldn't be a problem if you're covered up. But if it bothers you so much, and you're past that "dumber-years" stage in life, why not get the tattoos removed via laser treatment? It's pretty inexpensive to do in the P.I.

5th Apr 2014, 14:33
Thanks for the reply. Laser removal is an option I'm considering, to remove the ones on my forearms would be around $4000usd for both so while it's an option, but if could be avoided, would be of course the preferred option.