View Full Version : Agencies..Parc, Rishworth, etc..

28th Mar 2014, 01:55
Hi all,

I have a simple question, but hard to find any answer browsing the web.
I am currently working for Parc in Asia. The airline does not respect any term of my contract. They even changed the pay system, and forced us to sign a new contract. Parc did not even try to stand for us or protect us. Basically they are useless.

My question is: How much does the airlines pay (so how much is deducted from our wages) these agencies, for doing basically nothing for us???

As an example: Vietnam Airlines only gives 90% of the salary the first year of employment. Is it to pay the agency?

If you have infos, would greatly appreciate.

28th Mar 2014, 20:34
Sadly no agency is likely to stick their neck out for a client as the Airline is their bread and butter. I'm guessing the agencies receive on average $1000 per month while pilot is contracted. I only say that because I noticed a term sheet between Parc and CSA that quoted $1000 for Parc. I would term the Agencies "Money Transfer Functionaries" as about all they do after employed is deposit your monthly pay.

29th Mar 2014, 03:54
well not even that...I'm getting paid directly by the airline.
They provide a useless piece of paper called a contract, that gives you no right or benefit.

30th Mar 2014, 18:55
"They even changed the pay system, and forced us to sign a new contract"

Forced us to sign a new contract? I hate to say this, but if you won't stick up for yourself, why do you think a contract agency would?

If it is unacceptable to you, don't sign. You signed, so you must agree with the new terms.

My last contract job also tried to change the terms of the contract when I was going to renew. I refused to sign it. I now work elsewhere.

Easy fix.

1st Apr 2014, 00:21
Yes FORCED. Because one of the big problem in this business is that the pilots are very selfish, and do not stand together, except in big airlines with strong unions.
one of the reasons why we see our wages and working conditions going down and down is this lack of cooperation. In my case most of the pilots were pissed off, but most of them said they have no choice but to sign. tried to convince them they can't fire the entire airline flight crew. I was the last one to sign, after the deadline together with one other pilot. we realized we were going to get fired as only both of had not signed.
vote with your feet is fine but stand together and negotiate is better.