View Full Version : Windows 8.1 with a Windows live account, absolutely useless!!

25th Mar 2014, 18:38
Bought a brand spanking new laptop with Windows 8.1 on it. Unfortunately it requires you to log on with a Windows Live account.

As I already have an Hotmail account it wasn't such an issue untill today.

Every time I try to log in on my laptop it says that the password is incorrect and it directs me to reset my password. I have reset the password but it still doesn't let me log in even though I can log in to my live account on another laptop with exactly the same password. So it is not a wrong password.

I have searched on the internet and it seems that this is a well know problem. Unfortunately I can not restore the laptop to factory settings as you need the password for it. :ugh:

I can access the laptop via a guest account but that doesn't allow me to update a flash player etc as once again, you need the password.

Getting seriously fed up with this.

Anybody got any ideas how to solve this?

25th Mar 2014, 18:45
http://www.pprune.org/ HBcWHzAjIygpLCwtFx4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwOGg8PGi0kHyQtLzI1NCwp KS8rMiowNTM1LDYyNCwvLSwvLSw0MiwpLy8sMiwvKSksMiwpKiwsLCwsLP/AABEIAPQAzgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYBBAcDAv/EAEoQAAICAQIEBAMEBAoGCgMAAAECAAMRBBIFBiExE0FRYSJxgQcUMpFSYnK yFRYjMzVCc4KhsTRTdJKisyRUY4OTwdHS4fAlNkP/xAAaAQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEAQUG/8QANREAAQMDAgMHAgUDBQAAAAAAAQACEQMhMQQSQVFhE3GBkaHB8DKxFCIj0 eEFYvEVM1Jygv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AioiJ9YvgUiIhEiIhEiIhEiIhEiT+l5E1tlfiCrAIyAz qrH6E9PriQmp0r1ua3Uo6nBUjBEg2oxxhpBVr6NRgBc0gHovOIiTVSREQiRE QiREQiREQiREQiREQiREQiREQiREQiREQiTb4Rai6mlrPwLZWW/ZDAnPtiakThEiF1p2kFWrnynUNrixDsh2GkqCy42j8BHnnPv8A4Rzvp7BVo3 uB8Y1FXY9yVIIDH9IBjn5yI4fzRqqF2V3sqjspw4HyDA4Hylo5f49qdbalGo pW+hs7mNJG3Ckhgw+EHP8An0mFzX0g0kCG+ePnivVa+lXL2gu3PjhIBn4OgV EhRk4HUnyHWX3mTl+ujSb6tNXS3i7C1j+N/J4YhgXJAzgDGM98Z7yrJZkddSSf9WhNKkezMAo+WJfTrio3c0fPCVlq6Q0nb XG/znB9Fp/wfZ5oVHq5FY+hYifY4axUsGU7QScbmAwM43gbM48t0zcTX2pCA9mZfEz8mbK 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htDzLornFV2gpqR/h31gKVJ6ZJCgge4PScbqAbtZwB4cV1+lIs+pkkXngqpqdbZZjxLHsx23uz4+ WT0nhLf/Eb/wDJ/dNx8Lb427+t4WcY9N274c/X2mzqObtFSxpp0NdlQ+Eu23L46EjKsWHuT1k+3FhTbNp5WVX4U3dWdtvF5Mn 5xVIiXbiXDtKv3fidCD7s1irbU6hlUEkMdpyBjqMdRnaRM8Y5XX+GKq0QCm3 ZZtVQF2oP5RQB0wdn/HA1TTnkfTIQ6F4wZuPI4PcqREu3OPLKnX6dKkWtLwFxWoUAq3xsAOn4SD9JG 8/eCur8GmtK1rVQ2xAmWb4jnA69Co/OSp6gVNoAyJ7lGrpHUg4uOCB3z/C3eRtQltOo4e7BGuBKMfNtuCPcjCnHn1min2fa02eGawBnHib12Y9e+76Yz7 SuAySPMur2eH95t2/2jZ+We+PrOOpVGuLqZF+ak2vScxrawP5cQeHIq3cX41Tp9ZoqA25NKNtjdOh ZRX191AJPz9pqcz8lam3VvbSosrtIcMHUYyBnOSOnc9M9JSpuabjWorTYl9q J+itjAD5AHp9JAadzINM3iL8eKmdWyqC2q0xMiDi0ceisvPlq106XQhgz0oN 5HkdqqPzwxx6Y9Z9Xf/ryf2p/5jymsxJJJJJ6kk5JJ8yZ6nW2eH4XiP4YOfD3tsznOducZzJDTw1rZwZUDq5e 9xGWwOmIXjLX9mf+n/8AdP8A5pKpPXTauytt1bvW2MbkYocemQc4l1VnaMLeaz6eoKVRrzwUzwb+lk/2g/vmTHNnOWso1l1Vdu1F27R4dbYzWpPUrnuTKYl7B94Zg+d24MQ2fXPfPvF97O xd2Z2PdmYsT0x1J6npKzQDnhzoIiFcNW5tMsZIJdMg8F07i39N6P8As7P3bp q8U1PGRfYKQfC3ts+Cg/Dnp369vWUF+K3lxYbrTYowrmxyyjr0Vs5A6n857fxh1f8A1q//AMez/wB0zjSOEYMCLjqtbte1276hJmxjgAtXVbvEff8Aj3Nu7fiyd3bp3zL/APZ1ct+mfTP18Kyu1R7bg4x8nQ5/anPHckkkkkkkknJJPck+s9dLrbKiWrseskYJR2QkehIPaaa9Htae3BWLTajs au+JF/JdH5f4qur1WsofDVs6WIO+RUypn5fBWfqZX+OcS8bjSEHK13UVD+5YN3/GWlX02qett1btW2MbkYocemR5T4FzBt4Yhs7t2Tu3Zzuz3znrmVM0oY8uHKP nkr6muL2BpF5k+c+66lof6ev/ANnX/OiQfIPF0tQaC/rgrZSSexQh9o+RG4e24e0qK8VvFhtF9osI2lxa+4jp0LZyR0HT2E16rCpDKS rAggqSCCOxBHYyI0n5SCeA8wpnXw8OA4unqDFl1PSf09b/ALMP3qpUOF/Z/qrLQttfhV5yzFl7Z6hQCST/AISDHFrxYbRfaLCNpfxX3FenQtnOOg6e0+ruNah1KvqLnU9CrXOwPzBM6yhU Z9JGAMclypqqNW72mxJyOPNXz+NlP8MfiHheF9335G3fv35z+jn4c/Xt1ld4h9nurS0pXX4tefhcOg6eW7JGDjv5SsyQ03MOqrTw01Fip2ADnoPRf0 fpOig6nekRiL9FF2qZWkVwckiOvC6s3Miro+G18PLB7nbxHA7KN27/AD2geuCZYeB8TRuH165+tmnqtQ9euVC5+rbE/wB6cqssLEsxLMepJJJJ9ST3nomssCGoWOK2OWQOwUnp1K5wT0H5CRfpNzACb zJPflSZ/UNlQuAtEAd2F03k3XpdokvuOX0puy58gVJJ/wBxsfScy12sNtr2t3dmc9c43HOPp2irW2IrItjqj9GVXZVby+IA4P1njLaNA U3udz9FRqNUa1NjOWepSIiaVjSIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIi ESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIi ESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiESIiEX/2Q==

I had the same problem when I tried to use my existing Skype account on a new computer. I hate Skype but had to contact someone who has no other means of communication. After that episode, I hate it even more, and Windows ...........

25th Mar 2014, 19:16
just wipe it off and put XP on it. Should run great on new hardware.

25th Mar 2014, 21:39
Windows H'eight.

and I can't even re-boot my computer after a complete shut-down without a magic PiN, it accepted 1234, which- for the moment - I can remember.

My A-4 file of passwords and usernames now runs to 23 pages.

'twould be nice to be able to start again with a 'secure' password and then just add a suffix that names the individual site, Bank, Car, House, Insurance, etc. but that's a Bridge Too Far for me now, friends keep telling me to use KeyPass or similar, but I'm not sure I can trust that either - apparently it's 'only' on ones' own computer, not in the 'cloud', which I totally mistrust, but what if 'someone' should manage to hack into my computer ?

I carry most on an encypted SanDisk drive, and only insert it when I have disconnected from the Internet, but of course sometimes I forget to do that.

Life was simpler before computers ! - I blame Bill Gates.

dubbleyew eight
26th Mar 2014, 02:35
thought out of left field.
older computers that lost settings like passwords often needed the system backup battery replaced.
other than the passwords being lost the prime diagnostic symptom was erratic system clock behaviour.

set the clock time.
leave it turned off totally for a couple of hours
then see if the clock is keeping correct time on switch on.

it may be just a simple old fashioned fault.

27th Mar 2014, 11:39
The clock is keeping time quite nicely.

Still unable to log in to my laptop which is becoming a major pain in the backside. Absolutely rubbish system and the last time I have ever bought a Microsoft system.

27th Mar 2014, 12:18
Think its set up wrong. I have a win 8 laptop, I dont need any windows live account.

27th Mar 2014, 14:49
Some of the OEM setups push you into windows accounts you need to be quite switched on to spot the get out of jail local account click here point.

On my asus it was done in a very close colour to the background but I found it!!!

Still tried to set you up with an admin account as standard though and let you crack on with all entails.

Guest 112233
1st Apr 2014, 12:37
A particularly nasy one, involving Windows live, is an apparent "need" to set up an Win Live A/C, when creating a local limited user account in Win 8.1.

You can set an A/C up, just ignore the protestantations, and set up a restricted user A/C in the traditional way of Wondows past.

The designers seem to be coping some of the antics a well known internet search engine.

At the risk of inflaming ire in a well known contributor, its another barrier to leaving XP. PS I have not used Win 8.0, just 8.1.

It seems a bit of a flaff to a lot of ordinary user activities.

On another tack Ubuntu 13.x with its internet search results; located in the seach results pop up page is a non starter for New-Bees too.

There's no escape from crap user interface design !


le Pingouin
1st Apr 2014, 14:05
At least with Ubuntu you can opt for a more traditional desktop environment.....

Guest 112233
1st Apr 2014, 16:55
I'm sticking with Ubuntu 12.04 for the time being: Works fine (both 64 bit and 32 bit versions) - very stable.

The modern unity interface, in my opnion, has been a desaster for the adaptation of Ubuntu.


1st Apr 2014, 19:35
Hi all, please - I really do not wish to come over as a Micros#ft hater, but after many years of issues and frustrations such you are suffering, I too was frustrated with the ways of windows! what finished it for me was booting my PC and waiting for 12 minutes or more until mr gates and mr n#rton had finished with my PC so that I could use it!
I do not interfere with computers or think I know better and can "improve" them - but I do have a fair understanding having built a few, I have reached the age where I now no longer care how they work - I just wish to use my computer at a time that suits me and not when the operating system or the anti virus software can spare me the time!
In 2007 I purchased a mac, I still have it, it still works just fine, in fact it works when I wake it, I do what I need to & it goes back to sleep until I need it again, what more can one ask! Only issue is; Apple has invaded my home with my consent and - it all works.
It's that simple......


1st Apr 2014, 20:41
Think its set up wrong. I have a win 8 laptop, I dont need any windows live account.

How have you managed that? I had to buy a new laptop a new months back (for a family member, not me) and it insisted on a "Microsoft account" (Hotmail in this case) before it could be set up. This also leaves you with the long account password that has to be entered each time that you try to use the laptop.

1st Apr 2014, 22:02
At least with Ubuntu you can opt for a more traditional desktop environment.....

Traditional?? Its a poor attempt at copying the OSX interface. I use ubuntu on a daily basis and I hate the crappy UI.

How have you managed that? I had to buy a new laptop a new months back (for a family member, not me) and it insisted on a "Microsoft account" (Hotmail in this case) before it could be set up. This also leaves you with the long account password that has to be entered each time that you try to use the laptop.

No idea how I did it, was too long ago now!!! I have an old laptop here, not sure it will run Win8 but I might have a crack at installing it later.

1st Apr 2014, 23:29
I only needed to establish a Hotmail account when I "upgraded" from Win H'ate to Win H'atepointone.

Can't answer the question just plain don't understand, WTF can't "they" leave well alone.

Another interest I have involvment with is about to lose its' XP machine - that I initially commissioned - can't be bothered fighting the technology anymore, someone else can have a go !

le Pingouin
1st Apr 2014, 23:50
Andy, you do realise you can install the desktop of your choice? LXDE, Xfce, KDE, Cinnamnon, MATE, Enlightenment.........

1st Apr 2014, 23:55
Andy, you do realise you can install the desktop of your choice? LXDE, Xfce, KDE, Cinnamnon, MATE, Enlightenment.........

Yup, I use it to write software for headless systems and thats about it. I am too lazy to change it!

2nd Apr 2014, 04:24
I use ubuntu on a daily basis and I hate the crappy UI.

Mint KDE or XFCE
edition would be a better bet unless you really have to use Ubuntu. KDE on a big system, XFCE on those with less grunt.

I prefer LXDE to XFCE but it's no longer supported as an initial install option so I start with XFCE then do an "apt-get install lxde" as part of the post-install tweaking.

2nd Apr 2014, 07:30
Unfortunately it requires you to log on with a Windows Live account.No it doesn't. Neither does it require a password as a PIN or an image can be used.

Most problems are of own creation.

2nd Apr 2014, 14:17
You don`t need a windows live account in either 8 or 8.1.

When you start these things for the first time never attach it to the internet do that later after you have your user and admin accounts setup and also your account security. Then when your in as a normal user then attach it.

If its not attached it defaults to setting up a local account.

After starting 8 you will have to go through 8-9 updates and reboots before 8.1 will show up to be able to upgrade. Again don`t attach it to the internet during the setup procedure. Once finished then setup internet.

Saab Dastard
2nd Apr 2014, 22:07
I've just started evaluating Windows 8.1 - a clean install requires almost 1GB of updates already!!! :eek:

There's two things to be aware of regarding local and internet accounts.

At installation time, as mad jock says, one has to be careful to select custom rather than express settings to ensure that a local account is created.

Also, the first time you use one of the built-in apps, it will probably drag you through an account creation / logon process, that will actually replace your local logon account with your MS internet account. Unbelievable.

Yet another thing - the local account you (hopefully) created is the only admin account, as the built-in Administrator account is disabled by default.

So my recommendation to anyone who wants to remain sane is to initially install and configure Win 8.1 with a "dummy" local account that will be your backup admin account. Then enable the Built-in Admin account. Then create a local USER (not admin) account that will be your main user account.


8th Apr 2014, 14:23
just wipe it off and put XP on it. Should run great on new hardware.

Nice bit of advice to give someone considering XP is now officially unsupported by Microsoft i.e., no security updates, no driver updates, no nothing. :ugh:

6th Jul 2014, 00:35
Just bought a netbook with W8.I didn't have to sign in with a Live account either.Although the mail app kept on filling the screen when I was using Hotmail (aka Live) and constant reminders to update to 8.1.I killed the mail app popups by turning off all notifications.

I'm not upgrading to 8.1 until I have no choice.

le Pingouin
6th Jul 2014, 15:38
You have until January 2016 according to this: Windows 8.1 Support Lifecycle Policy FAQ (http://support.microsoft.com/gp/lifecycle-Windows81-faq)

6th Jul 2014, 17:10
Thanks for that Le Pingouin

9th Jul 2014, 11:56
With 8.1 Update 1 you can skip MS account by clicking "make new account" and then the "sign in without an MS account" (or words to that effect) link is visible.
Also, you can follow a series of instructions to boot directly from the Win8.1 .wim file, saving a very substantial amount of disk space.
Windows Image File Boot (WIMBoot) Overview (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn594399.aspx)