View Full Version : Suggestions Invited

18th Mar 2014, 12:48
Main PC XP SP3 has failed after eight years. Two workshops looked at it and confirmed my opinion, motherboard defect, not worth fixing. It gave me some signs of expiring so I made up to date copies of all files a day before it went.

Need new one. Must have English language OS, not Castilliano or Catalan. PC gets very heavy useage, on 16hrs a day. Not used for gaming. Shudder.

Options are as follows.

Buy local PC here in Spain without OS, install Linux, latest release copy of which I have handy in London.

Buy new WIN7 laptop in London, install it with keyboard screen and mousie from old PC. Advantage is can test it on spot when I buy it.

By new WIN7 PC in London, disadvantage as above.

Which would you do ?

Off to London tomorrow morning on train, so hand carrying back is no problem. Tottenham Court Rd seems place to look. Anyone other suggestions for a pedestrian to shop ?

18th Mar 2014, 15:11
Maybe worth a look?

Morgan Computers - for cheap computers, printers, digital cameras and accessories (http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/)

18th Mar 2014, 15:41
I used to love Morgan when they had real shops - I would be in the one near Centre Point quite often - now they are mail order I cannot see and touch their products any more. Had they still been at CP I would certainly look there.

18th Mar 2014, 16:04
Main PC XP SP3 has failed after eight years.

Thank god. At least that prevented you from using it post-April. :E

Which would you do ?

Tottenham Court Rd

GOD NO !!!! Even PC World is better than submitting yourself to Totty Road !

(for avoidance of doubt... I am not recommending PC World either, by any stretch of the imagination ... I would not be seen dead in either location)

To be honest, in this instance, its not "what would you do ?" but "what would you do if you were in my shoes ?".

To be honest, it looks like you have de-minimis computing experience, so I would suggest you accept the slight premium in price, slight reduction in choice and get your backside down to John Lewis/Peter Jones/whatever they call themselves these days At least then you are assured of a "reasonable" price, a "reasonable" selection of computers.... but most importantly, you are guaranteed no fuss post-sales customer service if you are not happy with your purchase.

Go to Totty Road or PC World and you're only going to get royally screwed by greasy sales reps who will be able to see your obvious lack of techy knowledge and so will take much enjoyment from flogging you stuff that gives them maximum margin.

18th Mar 2014, 16:08
We have bought several computers from John Lewis and been impressed by the knowledge and professionalism of the sales staff and the fact that they don't push or up-sell.

I wouldn't go anywhere else.

18th Mar 2014, 16:48
it looks like you have de-minimis computing experience,

Very true. I have only built three from scratch, mixture. And once I have a working PC again I will rebuild the defunct one, so that will be four. I guess that counts as "de minimus" for someone who is {continued page 94}

18th Mar 2014, 17:17
Just to get mixture going, if you've got your original XP disc you could always re-install it on the new box.

I don't really care what people do in the privacy of their own homes.


(a) Running an obsolete operating system on a machine that is even only occasionally connected to the internet has the capacity for wreaking havok on the greater internet.... and thus I do have a slight vested interest in at least trying to get the message across that XP after April is a no-go. No ifs, no buts.... just NO.

(b) Don't anyone dare come here and ask for help or advice on their XP machine after April.... because you won't get any advice other than an Amazon link to a supported version of Windows. :E

18th Mar 2014, 17:19
You've been happy with XP on a vintage machine

...and also happy on the self build with WIN7 on which I am typing this, but I only have limited access as its been comandeered to feed UK television to the living room TVs until I upgrade to a 2m20 dish.

Of all the OS I currently use I prefer Android, but I am too busy to cobble something up for my PCs.

The suggestion of John Lewis is one I had not considered, but buying televisions there for use in the UK has always been a satisfactory experience.

Saab Dastard
18th Mar 2014, 18:34
If you need to go to a bricks & mortar UK seller, John Lewis are hard to beat, plus you can browse online first.

If you can order online and have a UK seller deliver to Spain, or have the wherewithal to receive deliveries in the UK, then I have had uniformly good experiences with Lambdatek and ebuyer, also cleverboxes, but that was for server stuff.

If buying a ready-made PC or laptop, you might as well get Win 7, as there's little difference in price (if any) between OS and no-OS. Win 8.1 only might be a deal-breaker, unless you are prepared to fork out separately for Win7 (check drivers) or just install Linux.