View Full Version : Farewell Henry

Arfur Dent
15th Mar 2014, 09:53
Rather begrudging after an unblemished career spanning 23 years. For the normal CRM amongst us - enjoy your retirement mate and thanks very much.
The 'caring airline' in all its' glory!:confused:

ron burgandy
15th Mar 2014, 10:41
Yeah, the fleet office secretary gets an email sent to the entire fleet when she moves on. Captains with a quarter century under their belt get told not to let the door hit them on the arse on the way out…….:ugh:

mr did
15th Mar 2014, 11:23
Agree with Ron. Should be something in the Friday Pravda re real people leaving. Stay classy Henry.

15th Mar 2014, 12:26
I second all that, a gentleman and a genuinely lovely man to fly with, enjoy your retirement Henry:ok:

17th Mar 2014, 08:41
A true Gentleman ;) Have fun on the other side Henry.

Always a pleasure flying with you

17th Mar 2014, 10:18
Obviously not Henry C the baptist


17th Mar 2014, 13:18
That's what I was thinking! AKA, Henry the hat nazi!