View Full Version : Onward Christian Soldier

Intellectual Bully
4th Mar 2014, 23:23
After 575 days and over 8,000 miles Christian Around Britain (http://www.facebook.com/christian.britain.3) is nearly back in Blackpool having walked the whole coastline of Britain. So far he has single-handedly raised £170,000 for Help for Heroes.

You have my utmost respect! Walking the whole British Coastline (http://www.bmycharity.com/christiannock) :ok:

5th Mar 2014, 10:19
awesome trip ! been interesting following progress , well done !

5th Mar 2014, 12:11
Hand Salute! Remarkable Fella!

"Onward Christian Soldiers".....wasn't that the Saudi Military's Battle Song a few years back?;)

Intellectual Bully
8th Mar 2014, 10:28
Christian will be finishing his trek at Blackpool South Pier on Saturday, 15 Mar 14 between 1030 & 1100