View Full Version : Emirates Dubai-Arlanda 2 februari.

2nd Feb 2014, 16:00
Man försökte ta sig in i cockpit - DN.SE (http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/man-forsokte-ta-sig-in-i-cockpit/)

Intressant att veta vad karln ville. Lite tossig kanske?

A passanger on board Emirates plane Dubai-Arlanda on Sunday 2nd of Feb has been taken to custody by Swedish police since the passenger threatened to blow up the plane. Arlanda police waited at the gate for the passenger who was subdued by other passangers and flight crew on board the plane.

His motives are unknown at this moment.

2nd Feb 2014, 17:53
Sky news say it happened an hour into the flight, and flew the other 6 hours with him restrained!! Why not turn back ?

Anders Nilsson
3rd Feb 2014, 01:37
Flygplanssabotör frisläppt - Sigtuna - UNT.se (http://www.unt.se/sigtuna/flygplanssabotor-frislappt-2829334.aspx)

English: The suspected man was arrested after his arrival at the airport, but released in the afternoon following a decision by prosecutors. The assessment is that there is no danger that the man committing new crimes after the release. The man is a foreign citizen in 30 years of age and have a fixed address and work in Sweden. Despite the release fourth standing suspicions against him.

- The prosecutor has released him but the investigation continues , said Station Officer Anders Nilsson at the airport police.

It was at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning the man was arrested , after trying to get into the cockpit of a flight between Arlanda Airport and Dubai. The man rushed towards the cockpit and as reported to expressen.se , the man started shouting that he had a bomb. This can Arlanda police did not confirm to UNT . The man was overpowered by aircraft personnel. The man was not drunk, but was seen in the interrogations that some mentally unstable, according to TT.(News agency)
The man was also arrested at the airport with no problems.

- It was quite undramatic, quiet and went without a problem, says Anders Nilsson.

3rd Feb 2014, 12:04

The passengers probably recognised him as being a little "off course" STS maybe that is why they continued flying. If there was medical professionals on board they might have assessed the situation as "this guy's a whackadoodle" the aviation professionals might have thought "let's not risk lives with an overweight emergency landing".