View Full Version : 250 kts below 10000'

23rd Jan 2014, 00:58
Is there any ICAO laid down requirement of maintaining 250 kts below 10000' or is it a individual State laid down requirement.
If it is an ICAO laid down rule could anyone please point me to the relevant publication. I could not find this in the Jeppesen Manual.
The reason I am asking this is because a lot of pilots I fly with say this is not an requirement unless specifically published for that state, some ask for waiver of this during descent but not during climb etc.
So, what is the actual requirement and any written document so that I can clarify my doubt.
Thanks in advance.

23rd Jan 2014, 13:26
ICAO Annex 11: Air Traffic Services, Chapter 2, Appendix 4 is where it is written.

The table is copied out on SKYbrary HERE (http://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Classification_of_Airspace)

The speed restriction is only applicable to VFR aircraft in airspace Classes C-G and IFR aircraft in airspace Classes D-G.

24th Jan 2014, 12:28
Thank you very much. Exactly what I needed.