View Full Version : LAN Chile, hiring situation?

22nd Jan 2014, 21:54

Im currently finishing my EASA CPL IR/ME (may 2014). I've been checking LAN's homepage regularly during my training, and all the times i've checked they have been hiring FO. Now I see that they don't have any FO jobs listed? What has happen? Do anyone have a clue about their hiring policy for 2014?

One more question: is it hard to convert from EASA CPL to Chilean, and do you need to convert it before you apply?

And yes, I have Chilean citizenship (also EU citizenship), and I do speak Spanish fluent.

Thanks a lot!

25th Jan 2014, 21:19
Things have freezed from May-Jun last year, AFAIK last F/O class for Lan Chile -Lan Express went trough Their initials by July last year.
Several candidates also have the thumbs up from last year, but still no class date.
Rumour has it that by 2014 hiring should be very little to almost none, though in the other "Filiales" a complete different history can be developing.

28th Jan 2014, 18:59
Okey, thanks for your reply! :)

If anyone else has some more information regarding this case please share or send me a PM.


chileno 777
6th Feb 2014, 17:18

Oportunidades Laborales: Pilotos - Primer Oficial - Chile (1014) (http://www.jobs.latamairlinesgroup.net/career?career%5fns=job%5flisting&company=lan&navBarLevel=JOB%5fSEARCH&rcm%5fsite%5flocale=es%5fES&site=VjItSmJSOVQrSWdMM0ZGS0o1NlhCVFAzUT09&career_job_req_id=1014&selected_lang=es_ES&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=Nwe%2f4SROjy1CGwtuELzUbHov5O4%3d)

good luck

6th Feb 2014, 17:56
Gracias! :)

12th Feb 2014, 23:20
Hi gentleman

Does any one here knows about the different types of psychological and written test in Lanīs process.? .

13th Feb 2014, 20:21
The aeronautical test is from the FAA ATPL written test. You can use any of them, GLEM/ASA/etc.
For the psychological test you are gonna have the Rorschach and the Bender tests.
The sim is based in a Flight Simulator 2004 using a B734 cockpit. Pretty simple and basic what they want to assess.