View Full Version : Bases

13th Dec 2013, 03:42
So first base opening in 4+ years. 9 Captain, 20 F/O spots...over 93 bids as of today....

Gee...ya think people want out of hkg?

AQIS Boigu
13th Dec 2013, 04:13
Even at any cost...

404 Titan
20th Dec 2013, 10:36
I may be mistaken but it appears the company has just removed the requirement to repay bypass pay for those that have received it under COS99 and having to transfer to COS08 when going on the base.

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

Progress Wanchai
20th Dec 2013, 15:46
Word in legal circles is that cx would have been laughed out of court.
But not before having to repaying the AoA president his bypass pay.
Plus everyone else.

The cynical amongst us (who believe in conspiracies and aliens) is that we conveniently forget the provident fund issues etc that go with this basket case basing offer.

21st Dec 2013, 04:38
Yeah the bypass payback would have been laughed out of court for sure.

Its like you organize a purchase for parts from a company at a certain price....for so many years, then you negotiate a new price when it expires but demand a difference refund from the old prices? like that works in the the business world

21st Dec 2013, 05:30
I expect this has been planned all along. Open bases with stupid conditions, see if we can get away with it, give in to show we are bargaining in good faith when we get complaints. Looks like the provident fund joke will slip through though.

Just like when the FAU won the few improvements such as night stopping rather than turnarounds on a couple of through the night flights, something that would not have been able to continue under the new AFTLs anyway.

21st Dec 2013, 10:32
Strange situation, the company's not keeping guys who reach 55 while on a Hkg base. Does that mean they will grab a uk base to get 65 then head back to a hkg base after having been forced onto cos08?

22nd Dec 2013, 03:19
What? How come I'm on a HKG base, always have been, and am well over 55?

22nd Dec 2013, 11:39
Amused, Reader,

Perhaps you do not work for CX.

22nd Dec 2013, 12:14
and a w@nker? Jolly good. :yuk:

22nd Dec 2013, 16:38
Would anyone have an idea if all the 20 F/Os will get transferred to the triple or do they still require -400 F/Os in Europe to crew the Freighter patterns.

The Cav:cool:

22nd Dec 2013, 17:33
They are refusing to say what type, if it was all 777 why not to say? I doubt anyone would be unhappy not to be going onto the 747 based in LHR.

They are doing right seat qualification sims for UK based 747 CNs.

What do you think?

Personally I think if you are a 777 HKG based FO you will be OK. Anything else and it will be the 747 and spending more time in India than home.

22nd Dec 2013, 19:39
I spend more time in Bombay than HK. Shall I be liable to pay taxes there too??
Can' t wait to go tripleseven......

23rd Dec 2013, 01:49
I do.

And Yeager's comment deserves: It takes on to know one, as he has proved on many occasions.

Merry Christmas.

23rd Dec 2013, 23:03
An amused..... I apologise. I had forgotten how self centred and completely lacking in solidarity cx pilots are. The phrase "I'm alright Jack" was actually coined in response to Jack Donahue a Cx pilot back in the 1960s. Without meaning any offense, it is highly likely that as a self centred cx pilot you may have no idea that as a result of contractual changes some CX aircrew in Hkg are retiring at 55 and others like yourself at 65.

There have been a number of retirements recently of which those approaching 55 have asked the company if they can extend their employment. The company has said no and they have left. No surprise there with the enormous cost savings it gives the company.

My point was merely if they took an LHR base temporarily and were forced onto COS08 would that be a method of extending their employment?

24th Dec 2013, 01:15
Yes, it would be, as retirement age is 65 on COS08. Once again, another complete balls-up by the company. The way I see it, everyone can now transfer to COS08 without penalty. I suggest each individual go to the personnel department and ask to transfer, under the same conditions as those going to LHR. This is what happens when you have 20 years of utter incompetent and ill-conceived manipulation of our conditions of service. You reap what you sow.

Cpt. Underpants
24th Dec 2013, 02:14
And for those have signed to CoS08 and are in HKG, restoration to old salary scale and restitution... back pay, plus interest, compounded.

24th Dec 2013, 08:34
Ahhhh AnAmusedW@nker,

They "keep" you, big boy, beyond age 55, because you are God's gift to aviation - an self pronounced astronaut - perhaps even shaking hands with the w@nky, wonkers Cathay Pathetic "management" team of superior "leaders".. Get over your self mate, and get on with life. :D It's not personal - just a generic fact. No cheerio - and cheers for a white Xmas.

Merry X-max folks..

24th Dec 2013, 13:14
Yeager, you really are an illiterate tw@t