View Full Version : Scottish Air Traffic Control Centre (Military) - End of an era...

8th Dec 2013, 21:25
Bon-voyage to all the guys'n'gals in light blue, (plus the occasional 'special guest' in dark blue), of RAF Prestwick, with whom us civvy types have had the honour of sharing a billet for a very long time.

The place doesn't feel the same without you.


On behalf of the all the bods (left) at PC, good luck in your new home.

Faire agus Gliocas


1941 - 2013

8th Dec 2013, 22:22
This is madness!
I had the privilege of working with the professionals at ScATCC (Mil).
Wonderful folks. No, honestly….

Lon More
9th Dec 2013, 08:41
This is madness!

Since when did you expect anything else from the lords and masters?

I remember, back in Redbrae, one of the Local Service WAAFs bringing us all coffee one night duty. Looked very smart in her uniform, right down to the pink baffies

9th Dec 2013, 09:29
Didn't see too much of the RAF at WD but those I met were as mad as us. One lady Sqn Ldr Supervisor came into TC one day and called out: "Are there any cross-dressers in here; I've laddered a stocking!" Happy days...