View Full Version : China WestAir terminates foreign pilot

Sun Lover
3rd Dec 2013, 01:59
WestAir terminate foreign pilot

Looks like 10 FOs sent a letter about him and he is terminated on the spot. No notice or to asked to attend meeting to discuss.

Speaking to colleagues WestAir also trying to change contracts and they say that the contracts we're not translated correctly.


3rd Dec 2013, 10:21
Same Chinese Airline... Different paint job.

3rd Dec 2013, 11:35
So the going exchange rate: CN FO 1.0 = Foreign PIC 0.1

What was the complaint on the part of the FOs?

Intruder One
4th Dec 2013, 00:07
Does it really matter....??????

4th Dec 2013, 10:05
Sure it matters! What compelled 10 pilots to get together and complain about another pilot? There are two sides to this story, and it would be interesting to learn what constituted grounds for instant dismissal in this instance.

Notwithstanding the above: I agree with the OP about the harsh reality here in Asia, in that you do not always enjoy as many of the protections and benefits that employee-friendly labour laws in our home countries bring. Signing a contract here puts you at the mercy of unfamiliar and inaccessible local rules, and the employers interpretations of the same. As a foreigner, your poor understanding and begrudging acceptance of these rules is obvious, and this vulnerability may be exploited by less scrupulous employers.

The warning to be wary of China WestAir equally applies to any employer here. Caveat emptor, for lack of a better way to put it.

Safe flying

4th Dec 2013, 10:27
Hey Envoy... wake up and smell the tea. Expats world wide are at risk no matter the quality of the carrier, or state where said carrier is based.

The Dominican
4th Dec 2013, 11:03
Sure it matters! What compelled 10 pilots to get together and complain about another pilot?

you do not always enjoy as many of the protections and benefits that employee-friendly labour laws in our home countries bring.

Let me be clear about the fact that I don't know the details of this particular case nor do I care quite frankly.......! But speaking in general terms, what some guys claim as protection of labour laws is really what they percieve as their birthright to be assholes......! Just saying, some people are better suited for single pilot freight operations