View Full Version : Flight Schools in Philippines info

Hassan Shahid
30th Nov 2013, 19:27
Hello guys im planning on starting my flight training in the Philippines and i currently live in Abu Dhabi and Im planning to come back to work here eventually. can anyone recommend me some good flight schools that offer training upto frozen ATPL level all the way from PPL and CPL/IR, and if you know how much they cost thanks alot in adavance

1st Dec 2013, 12:00
Are you a UAE national ?

3rd Dec 2013, 00:39
Are you planning on attending the CAE program?

Ankit Kotecha
5th Dec 2013, 07:25
There were a lot of middle east students in the flying school i used to work for previously in Manila.
There is no frozen ATPL course in Philippines.
For cpl/ir/me, I would advice you to budget approximate 45000 usd. But then every school has got it's own tariff.

Hassan Shahid
11th Dec 2013, 08:40
i got in touch with Aviatour and they said they have moved to ClarK Intl. and they have signed up with AAG (Alpha Aviation Group) and they offer flight training all the way upto a320 type rating through AAG can anybody confirm this thanks in advance!

Hassan Shahid
11th Dec 2013, 09:39
hey ankit thanks for the reply!
ive looked up Aviatour and they said they now dont operate in Cebu anymore and have moved into Clark Intl and contracted with Alpha Aviation Group and are offering the same programs that they do at the same price they offer but they also offer a tuition assistance of 50% , im planning to attend this academy as AAG is a very good academy becuase they are offering upto Type Rating on the A320 . do you know anything about Aviatour merging contract with AAG?

Ankit Kotecha
12th Dec 2013, 08:47
I did some of my flying in Aviatour. Back then in 2008/2009 in was the best schools in the Philippines. They had a huge fleet of 40-50 with students from more than 30 countries.
But the things changed drastically in 2011-2012. The owner died of a crash and the school went bankrupt. They have re-started the operations again, with not so many aircrafts as before.
I am not sure about the AAG-Aviatour contract. But I have friends who are associated with aviatour. one of them is working as an instructor and the other guy is renewing his license.
PM me for their contact nos names etc. You may talk to them directly.

schools in Philippines are notoriously famous for charging a lot from foreign students. I would suggest you to first get enrolled for a CPL-IR-ME course with some school and then approach AAG or any other academy for type rating.

Also try to inquire - flyfast inc manila, AAA Iba/manila, Omnia aviation Clark etc

12th Dec 2013, 12:08
You said you want to work in Abu Dhabi, may I ask how you plan on doing that if you are not a UAE national?

15th Dec 2013, 09:10
Well I am doing my flight training in Philippines right now in a school called Royhle Flight Training academy in Dumaguete City. Be careful choosing schools especially in the Philippines.Its a new school and I have no words to explain how amazing this school is...what they tell you is exactly what you'll get. And also the instructors are very experienced and really know their stuff! The fees I'm paying here is $58000 for CPL ME/IR with Flight Instructors Rating. Without the instructors rating I think it is $56000. The fee includes a really good accommodation, food, license fees, exam fees and everything. Basically you don't really have to pay for anything after getting here, except I guess the travelling charges when you have to go to other cities to do examinations.

Black Crow
21st Nov 2014, 23:15
Remember, getting a CAAP license is only good if you plan on never leaving the Philippines. Due to the incredibly low standards of CAAP the license will not be accepted any where else.

22nd Nov 2014, 17:08
Remember, getting a CAAP license is only good if you plan on never leaving the Philippines. Due to the incredibly low standards of CAAP the license will not be accepted any where else.

Am getting tired of that ridiculous statement! Please try telling that to the scores of folks flying for ME carriers who originally started out with a CAAP issued license. :rolleyes:

22nd Nov 2014, 18:22
There actually aren't that many in the sandbox. The CAAP license is a frivolous document. Surprised it's a category 1 country with it's current licensing practices .

23rd Nov 2014, 03:08
the license will not be accepted any where else

...still the above is factually inaccurate and a blatantly false statement. :cool:

It still is an ICAO license. How CAAP goes about implementing it is another game altogether. Yes they were downgraded by FAA and have regained category 1 again now.

I personally enjoyed flying in the Philippines and continue to enjoy recreational flying whenever my vacation permits. Also i have experienced some of the worst weather and shortest airstrips in the islands...so i do hold my fellow airmen/women from the islands in high regard. CAAP licensing practices do leave a lot to be desired but don't take away anything from the honest fliers.
(the unscrupulous ones....well we have the bad apples everywhere don't we?)

The OP has still not clarified if he is a UAE national...which if he is...honestly he has a good chance of making it to any of the majors regardless of where his license is from as long as it is an ICAO one.

smiling monkey
23rd Nov 2014, 05:45
Tell me which country isn't a contracting ICAO state these days? ICAO may set and define the standards, but it does not regulate the standards. Licensing authorities around the world know which countries are the 'dodgy' ones and will only accept licenses from those with high regulatory standards.

Just look at the Tiger Air requirements (http://www.tigerair.com/sg/en/pilotrecruit.php) for pilot recruitment example; "ICAO recognised ATPL (acceptable to Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore )"

Black Crow
23rd Nov 2014, 05:47
...still the above is factually inaccurate and a blatantly false statement. :cool:

It still is an ICAO license. How CAAP goes about implementing it is another game altogether. Yes they were downgraded by FAA and have regained category 1 again now.

I personally enjoyed flying in the Philippines and continue to enjoy recreational flying whenever my vacation permits. Also i have experienced some of the worst weather and shortest airstrips in the islands...so i do hold my fellow airmen/women from the islands in high regard. CAAP licensing practices do leave a lot to be desired but don't take away anything from the honest fliers.
(the unscrupulous ones....well we have the bad apples everywhere don't we?)

The OP has still not clarified if he is a UAE national...which if he is...honestly he has a good chance of making it to any of the majors regardless of where his license is from as long as it is an ICAO one.

I call BS. Filipino pilots love to brag about "how difficult" it's to fly there. Truth of the matter it's a cakewalk compared to most of the world. Very low traffic (except for Manila), tropical VFR weather most of the year with an occasional thunderstorm or rain shower.

I know Filipino pilots who have multi engine ratings (as well as Instructor) that have never had an engine pulled back in training. Ask him about Vmc, critical engine, asymmetric thrust, etc and you get the "deer in the headlight" look. There are helicopter rated pilots that have never done a settling with power demo or an autorotation, ever. Ask a private pilot or commercial pilot about airspace and they stumble around. The standards are abysmal to say the least.

Then, go find a CAAP ATP with an Airbus type rating. Ask what various symbols on the ECAM are and what do they mean? Ask simple systems questions, such as describe what the PMA does and how many are installed, and where?

The list goes on and on. CAAP is a disgrace. I know one helicopter pilot who has several types on his license, and has never flown one of them. But his buddy in CAAP got it put on for him, no problem! This same guy fried a couple of engines in helos by over torquing continuously, no idea of how the collective works.

30th Nov 2023, 13:19
Well I am doing my flight training in Philippines right now in a school called Royhle Flight Training academy in Dumaguete City. Be careful choosing schools especially in the Philippines.Its a new school and I have no words to explain how amazing this school is...what they tell you is exactly what you'll get. And also the instructors are very experienced and really know their stuff! The fees I'm paying here is $58000 for CPL ME/IR with Flight Instructors Rating. Without the instructors rating I think it is $56000. The fee includes a really good accommodation, food, license fees, exam fees and everything. Basically you don't really have to pay for anything after getting here, except I guess the travelling charges when you have to go to other cities to do examinations.

Any update ? I'm about to head off to the Phillipines in couple month, to get a PPL, CCL and maybe IR, I'm still not sure in what school I'm going to enroll. The Royhle Aviation Academy is so far my favourite option, but I'll wait to have seen it before to decide, I'm going to visit several of them.
Have you succesfully obtained your licenses ? It's been ten years from now, I'm not even sure you'll answer, but looking at your decision to enroll in the Royhle, was it worth it ? What were the pros and cons of this school ?

Thank you for replaying, it's hard to find any information about the flight schools in the Phillipines.

11th Dec 2023, 01:53
Any update ? I'm about to head off to the Phillipines in couple month, to get a PPL, CCL and maybe IR, I'm still not sure in what school I'm going to enroll. The Royhle Aviation Academy is so far my favourite option, but I'll wait to have seen it before to decide, I'm going to visit several of them.
Have you succesfully obtained your licenses ? It's been ten years from now, I'm not even sure you'll answer, but looking at your decision to enroll in the Royhle, was it worth it ? What were the pros and cons of this school ?

Thank you for replaying, it's hard to find any information about the flight schools in the Phillipines.

Don't worry about Royhle Aviation Academy. One of the few best flight schools in the Philippines. I personally know this school for on time training and their quality in training. My friends who are into General aviation has good opinion about this school. Like you said personal visit and talk with few students will help you make a decision. All the best with your training.