View Full Version : JetConnect (QF NZ)

21st Nov 2013, 23:58
Just a heads up for anyone in NZ (or wanting to work for QF really), JetConnect is recruiting for SH again, AD's are on 30 November & 01 December :-) They're going through all of the applications now.

27th Nov 2013, 09:04
Hmm i thought these ADs were for longhaul....?

27th Nov 2013, 23:30
The lady who rang me said SH, although they could be a mixture for both roles like they did with their last AD.

23rd Dec 2013, 04:39
Hi all,

I attended a recruitment day in early September for QF / Jetconnect Auckland base - I have not heard anything from them whatsoever since, but have recently been told by one of my references that they have been contacted a few weeks ago. Has anyone else heard anything more? Any news of a start date (short haul)?

24th Dec 2013, 01:22

Hi there,
I've been a pain in the arse for them, as I keep calling to find out, they are amazingly nice about it though! They keep telling me that it will be sometime in the new year, probably late January or early February, although I did hear that before the QF money trouble news and did also hear that QF has stopped all recruitment including JetConnect (although until I hear it from the JetConnect team I can't say it's true). I would suggest calling them early in the new year.

Good luck :)