View Full Version : Flight Test Rating on EASA licences

21st Nov 2013, 18:58
So where do we stand at the moment (with 18 months to go) with regards the Flight Test on EASA licences? From April 2015 according to the published material we cannot do any more Cat 1/2 flight tests. Can we apply now for the rating based on experience and course graduation from the big 4 schools?

Aunty Talk
23rd Nov 2013, 17:34
Contact the CAA - Flight Test Folks & they will give you chapter & verse. Nothing to be done for now but the CAA will produce a conversion form and you will be invited to complete your qualifications (E.g. Grad of ETPS class of??) and experience (e.g Merlin project Pilot...etc)

the aim is to ensure you don't dip out on your current quals.

Genghis the Engineer
24th Nov 2013, 12:15
My understanding from people who have tried to apply for the rating is that so far, no authority is yet accepting applications.


11th Dec 2013, 08:06
Hi Aunty,

do you have a contact within the CAA?



11th Dec 2013, 19:03
I have seen a Czech EASA licence with Test pilot rating on it.

Aunty Talk
17th Dec 2013, 17:49
The UK have deferred introduction of the Test Pilot Rating, as have the French until 2015. So you can't get the rating yet through the CAA. At some stage you will be invited to complete a form ...a mini CV ...which will be used by the CAA to award you with the appropriate ratings. The intent of EASA was that the oversight of such ratings would include the flight test expertise within the national authorities.

4th Mar 2015, 23:03
Can someone post a link to the easa section that details requirements for each category of test pilot rating/license?
i.e. What are the requirements for a Cat 1 license, if there is such a thing? Cat 2? TB2? What test work does each of these categories allow you to undertake?
Does FAA or TC have any such licenses?

In my case, my experience is on big jets, FQs research, and im considering doing some training at one of the TPS's and wondering what the minimum requirements in europe are to undertake production test work at some of the major european manufacturers , such as Airbus. A Cat 2, 6+ month course and a Cat 1, 1 year grad course obviously allow this, but what are the minimum requirements in terms of ground school, number of types flown, hours of FTT instruction, project work, etc that qualify for Cat I ? Cat 2? TB2. Obviously the TPS grad courses and class b/Cat 2 courses exceed the minimums stated by Easa, but what are these minimums and where in the jungle of easa documentation is this stated? perhaps you can post some links?
As far as I know, Faa/TC does not have any such official requirements, as OEMs in N. America typically grow their own TPs. Am i right in thinking this?
Pls feel free to email me. Tks.

5th Mar 2015, 18:09
EASA requirements:
Part FCL.820 (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02011R1178-20140403&from=EN)