View Full Version : Que Pasa ? ?

3rd Nov 2013, 23:54
Not because we are Spanish based that we don't give a :mad: what is going on :(

02:00 & no news . . .WTF ? ?

4th Nov 2013, 06:09
Still at the table, according to media in Scandiland.

I'm a bit worried for the outcome. BK has probably made up his mind long ago what he wants…

Captplayst: what's the word like among you spain-based crews?

4th Nov 2013, 08:36
Media in Norway reporting, as of 09:20 local, that an agreement has been met! From what I understand, the union mostly got what they wanted :D Parat Luftfart is saying that they negotiated reinstatement of the pension plan (so it won't go to Supreme Court), pilots will in the future negotiated collectively, pilots will be merged in a single seniority list for all companies, pilots will be employed (I understand this as no more contract BS, which is a big :D for the union) on all bases. Might be some other things in there as well, but it seems like a full victory for the pilots! They might not have completely tamed BK, but they have now showed that they have the cojones when push comes to shove, and BK got a rude awakening. :ok: Good job!

4th Nov 2013, 10:24
Excellent news for all, hope our colleagues in Ryanair wake up & smell the coffee now it is evident what Union representation can achieve.