View Full Version : Best Place To Approach For Ground Flight Ops

25th Oct 2013, 20:27
After countless years on the wrong side of the pond, I find myself in dire need of a change of scenery. The cactus over here getting boring. I need some practical advice.
For all it's ups and downs, the Middle East is looking as an attractive place to relocate my career, albeit with a Commercial airline rather than a Part135 operator.
I've been Director Of Ops for a small operation for about 10 years, with contact work on some 121 operations in support of OEF etc.

What would be the best way of getting my resume/CV in front of the right people rather than this automated system where you don't even get a response?
What should I be wary of when it comes to the package? I'm reading a lot about the housing (particularly in Dubai) - is this the same around the ME?

And of course, the shameless plug if you know anybody hiring with my type of experience? I expect to go down a few rungs, but have no problems with that at all.
