View Full Version : AF6622 dual hydraulic failure

18th Oct 2013, 08:49
I am surprised nobody talked about AF6622 (A320) dual hyd failure on ORY-NCE flight oct. 16th, requiring pilots to divert to LYS and drop landing gear manually.
Only press (in french) available plus a few tweets:
Grosse frayeur sur un vol Paris-Nice, atterrissage d?urgence à Lyon « AIRNEWS.FR (http://www.airnews.fr/2013/10/17/grosse-frayeur-sur-un-vol-paris-nice-atterrissage-durgence-a-lyon/)
Thanks for those who have more info as it is quite a serious event in my book (assuming the above are facts).

18th Oct 2013, 09:13
I was part of the crew of an A300B4 that had a dual hydraulic failure and diversion about 2 years ago.
I doubt anyone outside the company except the Aviation Authority knew about it.
Why, just because it was Air France, should it generate a discussion on here.

18th Oct 2013, 11:18
Wow. So Air France had 2 dual hydraulic failures in 2 years? Isn't that little too often? I actually don't care if it is Air France or Bangladesh airlines, but is there a problem with Air France maintenance?

18th Oct 2013, 13:21
Just to keep the facts correct, the A300B4 was not Air France but the yellow and red parcel operator.

19th Oct 2013, 07:58
Hi Dixii 188 !
May be , in fact surely we knows each other !
I was also operating the yellow B4 !

19th Oct 2013, 12:23

PM sent.

22nd Oct 2013, 08:01
do you mean it's a non-event which us SLF don't need to worry about?

23rd Oct 2013, 09:09
Well, what is the point of the SLF worrying about?

Failures occur everyday. This one was apparently handled smoothly, as per the OK outcome.
Because this was an emergency situation, you can be assured that the issue will be looked at, in order to prevent its re-occurence.

What else could be said about it?

Shawn Coyle
28th Oct 2013, 06:52
What else could be said about it?? It depends on what the assumptions were in certification about the probability (and consequences) of such a failure. Check out the Transportation Safety Board of Canada report on the crash of an S-92 helicopter to see why this is important.