View Full Version : Qatar airways asked for valid instrument rating

born to suffer
12th Oct 2013, 15:33
Guys my colleague applied for Qatar airways ( first officer A320) position

And he upload all the required document including a copy of his license, however, he received an email from Qatar airways asking him to upload a valid instrument rating:ugh:
Now he is confused since our license shows the phrase commercial pilot license (CPL )at the front and the A320 rating endorsement at the back, there is no mention of instrument rating validity any where.
Is it possible that they mean the last Proficiency check?

Please any one care to explain?

12th Oct 2013, 16:04
Yes send a copy of last PPC, or
They very stupid in QR to ask a valid IR when you have a valid A320 TR on your licence.
I think second option is more realistic....

born to suffer
12th Oct 2013, 16:47
Thank you Lfrk
I agree with u, the second option looks more realistic.

FPA Good luck, wish u the best