View Full Version : At the Edge of the Envelope

24th Sep 2013, 17:51
Not sure if it’s been posted elsewhere but if it has I can’t find it either manually or by searching, so please excuse any duplicate posting.

For anyone interested in a lifetime of flight testing (covering 50 years of flight testing - including rotary wing, heavies and fast jet) you may be interested to know that John Bradley has now published his autobiography. It is called “At the Edge of the Envelope – A flight test engineer’s story”.

I have a copy but have yet to read it so won’t post a review yet, (but at first flick through it looks to have a great deal of interest). Anyone wanting a copy can get one from Cross Keys bookshop in Salisbury. ISBN- 978-0-9550264-9-2.

Genghis the Engineer
24th Sep 2013, 21:38
Thanks for that Druid.

John was my boss for a couple of years. He was both a good old fashioned gentleman, and a thoroughly experienced FTE with a wealth of experience to share. Given the grief he used to give me over my written English in flight test reports, I should also hope that his autobiography is extremely well written.