View Full Version : Heatrow TWR visit

14th Sep 2013, 06:36
May be somebody knows.

Is there any possibility for a foreign air traffic controller to visit Heathrow Twr?

17th Sep 2013, 05:43
nobody from LHR ?

17th Sep 2013, 06:48
Give them a chance, there's not many /current/ EGLL staff on Pprune, and I know at least two of them are on leave atm. I'm in contact with one, I'll ask him the situation.

Andy Mayes
17th Sep 2013, 15:29
One is in France, one is in Italy and one is in Spain!

17th Sep 2013, 18:45
AM -

Actually, /two/ are in France, and staying at my house - I just managed to pour tea over one of them (KD) and the other (DA) is peeling potatoes for supper...

Anyway, back to the original question; doc_exe, they say yes it IS possible, but the holder of a foreign passport might find it difficult to move round airside - it has been done, and I will PM you with the name and telephone number of someone to contact in a few days....

18th Sep 2013, 09:52
thanks a lot for helping, i dont want to miss the chanse to see how magic is done :)

18th Sep 2013, 18:13
Don't you have any sausage factories in Moldova...

Brian 48nav
19th Sep 2013, 09:16
Nice one Malc:ok:

23rd Sep 2013, 19:36
Doc, you have a PM. Good luck.