View Full Version : Got to be the strangest intercept of late

2nd Sep 2013, 00:48
Posted here

It could have been the Sea Fury's last 'kill' (http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?126237-It-could-have-been-the-Sea-Fury-s-last-kill)

Following the usual "aircraft four miles south of Winchester southbound, are you on frequency?" and the subsequent, "we have an unidentified aircraft in the zone", and the rerouting of nsome inbounds, on the Solent Approach frequency at lunchtime today, a slightly unusual outcome...

Also on frequency, the RN historic flight Seafury offers, "would you like me to intercept?" The controller was somewhat taken aback and was noncommittal in her reply. Sure enough, a few minutes later we hear the slightly more amazing information, “It appears to be a Beaufighter or Mosquito”. The controller is now thoroughly confused and asks for more information. “It’s a high performance twin engine fighter”, offers the Seafury. “Did you get a call sign?” asks the controller. “No but it's in camouflage with yellow spinners”, advises the Seafury


What it will be is the French built scale ish replica Mossie, see link for piccies..

French Mosquito replica photos (http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?117183-French-Mosquito-replica-photos)

It's been over doing a couple of shows in the UK

2nd Sep 2013, 00:52
As one of the posters says

"what could have been a fabulous time-warp moment."

2nd Sep 2013, 00:53
Little film of the replica

Video: Mosquito 3/4-scale replica maiden flight » World Warbird News (http://www.worldwarbirdnews.com/2011/04/26/video-mosquito-34-scale-replica-maiden-flight/)