View Full Version : Exploring opportunities in Emirates

11th Aug 2013, 06:33
Gent and Ladies,

Greets from Salt Lake City UT....

About a year a go, I posted a thread on here about my chances of getting a flying job in the middle east, especially in Emirates. At the time, I was a low timer (1000TT all single engine airplane). I received many wonderful private messages from folks presently working at EK and other companies in the region with different advices, which were much appreciated by the way.

Now my circumstances have changed a bit and I was wondering if I could throw out the same question but this time with my new qualifications.

Long story short, I was picked up by a regional in the States flying the EMB-145 (yeay jet time finally). I'm fully aware of the 30 tones (and some have said 50 tones requirements for EK and sadly, my plane does not qualify for neither one of those).

Here's where I stand at the present moment... close to 2000TT with about 800 hours of 145 time... Probably not the most marketable kid on the street but due to family issues, a move to anywhere in middle east would dramatically increase quality of life for me.

At my current company, I'm looking at an upgrade time of about 2 years, give or take. Assuming that stays the way it is, Do you guys think EK would ever drop the 30/50 tones requirement for a 145 driver with some PIC time in the future? Or am I better of going to somewhere like copa, suck it up, fly the 737 and get the hell out once I have my numbers.

I know there are a few corporate jet companies out of Dubai that fly the 145. But my thinking is, It will only be 145 time at the end.... not good enough (at least for not) for EK or even perhaps Qatar.

Any help would be much appreciate it guys. I have been trying to read the previous discussions to educate myself as much as possible but I would love to hear some fresh ideas, especially now that I carry some limited number of EMB time under my belly.

Thank you kindly,


11th Aug 2013, 07:17
It's all a matter of supply and demand. If you can get time in a E170 or larger that would help your chances considerably. Good luck.

11th Aug 2013, 10:42
I can't see Emirates lowering requirements in the near future purely because they don't need to- they have plenty of applicants at the moment. If that changes they will adjust requirements accordingly but for now plenty of people are prepared to come to the Sandpit to fly nice big shiny jets.

11th Aug 2013, 12:18
With the explosion of hiring on the horizon in the US, why anyone in the US would want to go to the sandpit is beyond me. In fact there are now and in the near future a record amount of Americans leaving EK to go back to the US.

FYI, I've flown for 3 US regionals, 2 US nationals, 1 US legacy and EK in my past. Ranking in quality of life are as follows:
US Legacy
US National
US National
US Regional
US Regional

US Regional

With the updated contracts at AMR, UAL, DL and AL the pay is fairly close but quality of life is not even comparable.

The only US pilots I know who enjoy it at EK are from one of two backgrounds:
1. Furloughed numerous times from a Legacy and gun shy to try it again and probably too old to start again.
B. From a really crappy regional where they are used to being abused and still in the honeymoon stage of flying wide-bodies to interesting destinations. Also delusional to think that they will upgrade within the next 3-4 years.

In the US you have your share of idiots in positions of authority but in Dubai mental midgets virtually run everything. You also don't have the following to deal with in the States: "mam/sir, mate, fully ready," filing ASR's for ridiculous reasons with even more asinine responses and briefings that make organic chemistry seem fascinating.:ugh::{:ugh::bored: Regulations/laws in States/Europe/Far East/Australia are actually followed and not just some general guideline that is violated on a perpetual basis as they do in the ME.

The pilots, mechanics and most cabin crew you work with are fabulous, genuine, courteous, interesting and intelligent but just the day to day crap in Dubai would make your head explode. Remember the majority of people working all those hotels, shops, spa's, medical clinics, utilities, gov't positions and restaurants are virtually slaves whose last priority is customer service followed closely by pride, competency and efficiency in their job. They make a gov't employee in a Mississippi DMV office look like brainiac motivated go getter. But if vanity is your thing, there is no better place.

11th Aug 2013, 18:02
Hi there

I see 2 things.

1) family

2) big jet syndrome

What is your number one priority?
I see a lot of people waiting for whatever.............if I have my command than I will.
Or if I have such amount of hours than I will this and that.
We wait a lot for better things.
What a pitty if you can be in the middle east and you wait for Emirates to come some day. You might never get an interview with them or fail the selection.

You waited and have thrown away some good years with family in the middle east.

Just go there and fly for that 145 Dubai operator.
And take it from there.
