View Full Version : Emirates Executive

6th Aug 2013, 06:12
I saw a write up in the National that EK has started an Executive Aircraft Division.

Any more news, I will try to find the URL for the National,s report.


Scott C
6th Aug 2013, 07:12
Here's the page on their website:

Emirates Executive | The Emirates Experience | Emirates (http://www.emirates.com/english/flying/emirates-executive/index.aspx)

6th Aug 2013, 07:13
What, you mean this one? Emirates Executive ? Airbus A319 Private Jet Charter Service (http://Www.emirates-executive.com) :eek:

6th Aug 2013, 07:33
Emirates received the first A319 on April 2013 to operated as a private jet, as far as I know they already recruited 7 pilots to run this operation. There is no flight scheduled they fly whenever required to anywhere in the world. The aircraft equipped with 4 Auxiliary fuel tanks

6th Aug 2013, 07:47
It is flown by Emirates A330 pilots and cabin crew who were selected for the corporate 319.

No doubt Iver will be along any minute.....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

6th Aug 2013, 08:48
Just asking....???????..glf

Edit 1:If a freeB from AB can we assume that Qatar will be getting BBJ's for Xmas...

Edit 2: as it will be in ERK colours and I assume full EK call-sign, they will integrate with EK mainline, and be free to operate as a corporate aircraft in DXW, and not be obliged to go to DWC.

at least the new graded runway provides a level playing field.


Tower Ranger
6th Aug 2013, 10:03
Based at the EK hangars on the north side of DXB and as it's a rumor network is there any truth that it was a freebie from Airbus in lieu of ongoing A380 issues?

6th Aug 2013, 11:17
I can confirm that the RUMOR is it was a gift from Airbus!!!!

Tim liked it and has gotten the idea of an exec jet service.

6th Aug 2013, 16:26
What's the toilet policy..? :ugh::ugh::ugh:

Bypass ratio
7th Aug 2013, 04:41
I wonder if Ex-A380-800 Driver will now be seen as EX-A330-200 Driver...?? I'm pretty sure that he would love to get his hands on this one:D

Desert Dawg
7th Aug 2013, 06:11
No matter how you slice and dice it..... You gotta have some serious wonga to charter that plane to fly somewhere nice.....!!:}

max AB
7th Aug 2013, 06:52
The wheel keeps turning....back in the day EK had a few Falcon 20s for a similar gig.....

7th Aug 2013, 07:15
Would love to get your hands on a A319? Why?

7th Aug 2013, 10:33
There is plenty of Wonga, so no problems there..... but my thinking that it might be the chair-mans barge...

I still suspect, as EK flight number, EK Colours, and EK Hanger then it avoids the enforced relocation to DWC.


rodney rude
9th Aug 2013, 08:04
If ex 380/current 330 has any brains he'll follow his talented best buddy into the corporate world and revel in the variety and the time spent around the pool in exotic resorts in great locations.:8

Capn Rex Havoc
9th Aug 2013, 13:59
I heard that the 319 pilots were still flying the 330s as well. Sounds like the best of both worlds.

9th Aug 2013, 14:59
and the OFF days in their rosters are actually stby days

10th Aug 2013, 02:20
Info on off days is incorrect , just talk to any of the 6 pilots to get the details, better than you think.

11th Aug 2013, 08:22
Not in EK colours

11th Aug 2013, 17:21

you broke nearly all the top events in the last year, you either YOU HAVE GOT TO BE WELL CONNECTED, or you PISS UP EVERYDAY AT THE WAREHOUSE. :ok:;)

Btw the Emirates VVIP service has been doing the rounds of Social Media.

Dont you think there's enough competition in the middle east?; Royal Jet with BBJ's, Al Jabar with the A319's and Linage; and DANA Jets GV.

If Maktoum Jr wants to fly, he's always got access to the Dubai Royal Flight's fleet.

The competition will kill them even before they can say, "Salamalekuuum!".

Who on earth's going to be willing to pay a hefty tab for that aircraft as a charter. Even they run it as a scheduled service like silverJet did once, the EK service will be miles ahead of SilverJet but it might be worth a shot.

On Aux Tanks, assuming the endurance goes shoots to 8 to 12 hours(endurance is a guess here, any information on this 'aux-laden' bird's endurance would help), i do hope someone's thought about revamping the anti-ice system especially for fuel system.

11th Aug 2013, 20:24
Retard. I gather from your post here and the on the road rage that you don't work in the middle east. Am I right?
To the best of my knowledge there is no one titled Makthoum Jr. Are you trying to be funny or just disrespectful?

13th Aug 2013, 16:10
Hi Payscale,

Although i'd guess you work here and possibly at EK, i dont think your too familiar with the place; or with the the Investment bank lingo in Dubai to start with.

Sheikh Ahmed is known as Maktoum Jr because he is the Son of the Sheikh Saeed, the Ruler of Dubai.

Although it is a tongue-in-cheek handler, Sheikh Ahmed is actually the uncle of Sheikh Rasheed bin Saeed Al Maktoum.

Sheikh Mohhammad Bin Rasheed Al Maktoum is apparently 9 years older than Sheikh Ahmed.

I-Banks call him Maktoum Jr and that works for me.

If your still new to these parts; get started with the big Bus tour mate, that's a good way to start.

14th Aug 2013, 08:18
Retard Retard Retard - you wrote "Sheikh Ahmed is actually the uncle of Sheikh Rasheed bin Saeed Al Maktoum".

Suggest you have a look at HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoums excellent website, www.sheikhmohamed.com (http://www.sheikhmohamed.com). Lots of Dubai history, videos, photographs and al Maktoum family history.

Sheikh Saeed al Maktoum (1878-1958), was indeed the Ruler of Dubai, until 1958. His eldest son, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed al Maktoum, ruled Dubai from 1958 to 1980. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al Maktoum, of Emirates, born in 1958, is also a son of Sheikh Saeed, and is therefore the brother of the late Sheikh Rashid.

HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the current Ruler of Dubai, is Sheikh Rashids son. This makes Sheikh Ahmed the uncle of Sheikh Mohamed (even though, as you say, he is younger) not of Sheikh Rashid.

Never believe anything an Investment banker tells you!


14th Aug 2013, 10:42
In that case, i stand corrected Sir.

I apologise and bow to the gentlemen with the better info, PAyscale and 777.

Note to Self | No more getting info from I-Bankers.