View Full Version : Airservices Australia...

5th Aug 2013, 10:24
I know they've had their fair share of 'issues' in the past. What's it like now? General working conditions? Money? Staffing?

Heard whispers of ASA being understaffed at most units. Is this still the case? Any idea when experienced international recruitment will open up again?

All input appreciated, especially current employees and internationals who've moved down under, whether still their or returned home. :ok:

28th Oct 2013, 12:48
Greg Hoods A/g position has just been written in concrete. He does seem to have made a few inroads since leaving CASA and returning home to ASA. A few punters I know reckon things are on the up and up since he came back in January, any thoughts?

Aviation Business: Airservices appoints new Executive GM Air Traffic Control (http://www.aviationbusiness.com.au/news/airservices-appoints-new-executive-gm-air-traffic-control)