View Full Version : QR Fast Track Command

3rd Aug 2013, 20:32
A new was issued recently about fast track command in QR, which means that the company is looking for Captains due huge expansion in the company, but in the other hand the company created this Pilot Aptitude Test to make things not easy for those who have the minimum qualifications.

So What the F** is going on?

5th Aug 2013, 08:52
Due to the huge expansion Of the company, they start again to recruit no type rated Fo ?

5th Aug 2013, 09:10
7 Captains got the boot this week, Ouch!!!!!!:ouch:

light and variable
5th Aug 2013, 10:31
Outch, sad losses. Any one fleet hardest hit? Do you know how is the FO statistic regarding the boot?

5th Aug 2013, 13:28
7 Captains got the boot this week, Ouch!!!!!!:ouch:

Any detailed reasons of why?

6th Aug 2013, 15:09
7 Captains got the boot this week, Ouch!!!!!!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/shiner.gif

One has to keep in mind, this is fear mongering!!!! While this rumor may be true (although no evidence has been provided), QR is not a company that has intentions on terminating pilots without cause! Secondly, I can tell you, base on my own experience, adhere to QR's SOPs, you won't have a problem...PERIOD!

I'm baffled as to why people continue trying to stoke the fear in people who may have an interest in flying for QR. QR is a rapidly growing company that needs pilots! If you meet the qualification (not just flying experience), you will be hired. If you have an attitude that does not fit the culture of this airline, don't be surprise about the results. QR wants professional pilots!

As for the country, well it ain't DXB! But lets be real, are you coming to the middle east to grow roots and retire or make some money and re-patriot yourself back home?

7th Aug 2013, 13:10
Its getting very interesting , we are becoming PAT-men. :sad:

7th Aug 2013, 14:04
QR have the best looking B777s in the world !

Great livery.

If I were single I would not think twice about applying.

8th Aug 2013, 00:39
Ghost Rider,

Would you apply just because of the livery alone ? ...

Just Curious ..

8th Aug 2013, 04:33
What a childish comment.

Golden Parrot
8th Aug 2013, 12:25
QR have the best looking B777s in the world !
If I were single I would not think twice about applying.

I knew a girl once who had the best looking t!ts in the world...so I married her.
That turned out to be a bad idea, as would be yours.

8th Aug 2013, 15:12
Oh yeah I remember her;)

9th Aug 2013, 14:44
It seems that most of the A330,A340 pilots will be cooked for PAT test by next month... anyone got any idea...:oh:

Luke SkyToddler
10th Aug 2013, 05:01
AV8or it's not fear mongering if it's true!!

Do you seriously claim that SEVEN captains got kicked for "SOP breaches" in one single week, and that's nothing for new joiners to be concerned about?

If it's true, then surely you must agree that QR has either got a very very serious problem with training and SOP adherence among its captains, or else it has a very very punitive culture that sacks people for the slightest and most minor of infringements.

Which is it do you think?

Non Zero
11th Aug 2013, 04:08
It seems that most of the A330,A340 pilots will be cooked for PAT test by next month... anyone got any idea...

They need to find the skippers for the Super...

11th Aug 2013, 09:37
av8tordude..you are a genius.
Where do you want to go back to? Home?
Mate.. if geniuses like you keep going to work for slaver airlines like QR that in turns come to steal passenger to western carrier with the low fare they can offer just because of the total absence of social costs and taxes ( no pension, no union, no human rights, no nothing..) and because you haven't any frikking right down there in the frikking desert if not the right to frikking work and frikking shut your mouth..mate better you can get used to Doha and its fantastic weather.. because you will have no job to return to.

12th Aug 2013, 10:33
75% percent are failing the PAT, hence fast track.

12th Aug 2013, 12:54
Man PAT isn't a pass/fail test. It's just to get to know you better. Ask them (QR).

King on a Wing
12th Aug 2013, 12:59
I recently heard the percentage of those failing PAT is closer to 85%...!!
And this includes the new joiners, internal upgrades, internal transitions and managerial movements.
No comment on who should pass or who should fail. Just a stat I heard.

12th Aug 2013, 20:32
AV8or it's not fear mongering if it's true!!

Did you even take the time and actually read what I wrote????? Let me highlight it for you....

While this rumor may be true (although no evidence has been provided), QR is not a company that has intentions on terminating pilots without cause!

Until you provide evidence to support your statement or you know all seven of the pilots who were terminated and they told you their subjected version of their termination story or you were in the office with them when they were terminated then...its FEAR MONGORING!!!!

So...were you one of the seven they terminated????

Do you seriously claim that SEVEN captains got kicked for "SOP breaches" in one single week, and that's nothing for new joiners to be concerned about?

Again...Did you even take the time and actually read what I wrote????? I never claimed anyone was terminated for SOP breaches! Let me highlight it for you....

Secondly, I can tell you, base on my own experience, adhere to QR's SOPs, you won't have a problem...PERIOD!

That being said, if your statement is true (Although no evidentiary support was provided), then it can only be concluded that SOP's was the problem. Unless, these pilots were a behavior problem.

If it's true, then surely you must agree that QR has either got a very very serious problem with training and SOP adherence among its captains, or else it has a very very punitive culture that sacks people for the slightest and most minor of infringements.

Which is it do you think?

Since I have not flown with ALL the pilots to draw an unbiased opinion, I can not say there is a company-wide SOP adherence problem. What I can say, I've flown with many pilots who have been with the company 5, 7, 10 years. Although completely irrelevant, some of them are western pilots. But if a pilot can not comply with company SOPs, do think this pilot should retain his/her employment??? As for minor infringement, please give an example that would cause a pilot be terminated.

12th Aug 2013, 20:50
av8tordude..you are a genius.
Where do you want to go back to? Home?
Mate.. if geniuses like you keep going to work for slaver airlines like QR that in turns come to steal passenger to western carrier with the low fare they can offer just because of the total absence of social costs and taxes ( no pension, no union, no human rights, no nothing..) and because you haven't any frikking right down there in the frikking desert if not the right to frikking work and frikking shut your mouth..mate better you can get used to Doha and its fantastic weather.. because you will have no job to return to.

Your post is absolutely unintelligible!!!! Clearly, English is NOT your mother's tongue. In trying to decipher your post, you sound like a angry pilot who lost his job or your company went out of business due in no part of the middle-east carriers doing.

With that said, what little part I did understand was about going home. I will be going home, but I'm going home retired at the age of 50yrs old (4 more years hopefully). My home is paid for and the kids university tuition is paid and NO debt! So, I do have a home to return to. From your inarticulate and angry post, it sounds like your home is in shambles! The middle-east countries are not the blame for your countries economic problems.

Black Pudding
12th Aug 2013, 23:38
av8tordude (http://www.pprune.org/members/296903-av8tordude)

I made post several times this week and then decided to delete them because I could not be arsed wasting my time with these clowns.

Take up the hold at DAMOP

Luke SkyToddler
13th Aug 2013, 06:09
Chill with all the bold highlighting and underlining and shouting buddy, it's a "rumor" network.

So let's have an intelligent debate about this "rumor" that 7 captains got fired in the last few days.

Now I have heard the rumor confirmed by other sources than PPRUNE, although I don't know the people involved.

Nevertheless, and purely as a discussion point, I have never ever heard of any large flag-carrier airline anywhere in the world, sacking so many captains all at the same time. Especially at a time when they are desperately short of captains and have lowered their upgrade requirements under this "fast track" scheme.

Now, and once again purely as a discussion point, in most airlines you have to do something pretty serious as a captain to get sacked. Endanger the aircraft, screw up really really badly on multiple consecutive sim checks, something like that. In 99% of cases it's safety related anyway, or someone who has a long history of insubordination / incompetence / bad CRM.

That hasn't always been the case at QR, just to remind you of a few of the more famous terminations there in recent years. The guy who married his GF against CEO's wishes. The guy who went sick on leave. The "Evian" episode. The two guys who had the minor incident on pushback in DXB. All confirmed cases, I know personally the people involved in 3 of those.

I'm not discussing the rights and wrongs of those particular cases but I am saying that they are all cases where "safety" was not really affected but good, competent captains were terminated regardless.

And I'm also saying, that this is a pattern of behaviour that is probably seen only at QR of all the major airlines on this earth.

So rather than throwing around emotive words like "fear mongering" and trying to shout down all who ask about these things, I'd like to know what is your opinion of why these latest 7 guys got chopped? Even if it's just a rumour?

There can only be two options : either they did something serious and safety related, or, they didn't.

One option paints QR as an airline with some pretty serious safety issues, ... the other one ... well I'm sure you can figure that one out yourself.

eid mubarak :cool:

13th Aug 2013, 07:48
With that said, what little part I did understand was about going home. I will be going home, but I'm going home retired at the age of 50yrs old (4 more years hopefully). My home is paid for and the kids university tuition is paid and NO debt! So, I do have a home to return to. From your inarticulate and angry post, it sounds like your home is in shambles! The middle-east countries are not the blame for your countries economic problems.

50 years old, at home without a retirement plan and of course without a job ... are you planning to join the prostitution market? (always the best market!) But dude better join as a pimp because at 50 years old ...:}

Especially at a time when they are desperately short of captains and have lowered their upgrade requirements under this "fast track" scheme.

This is the 'to be or not to be' question ... are they really so desperate? it doesn't really look like! Not at least till the opening of the new airport ... but when?

So let's have an intelligent debate about this "rumor" that 7 captains got fired in the last few days.

And more to come ... at least 75% will be terminated if they all have to do the PAT. And if you are not in the yellowish-green area then it is a matter of safety, isn't it! Would you give a shiny jet to a non green skipper? Of corse considering the way of categorizing pilots with the PAT is the only way to prevent safety issue!

13th Aug 2013, 11:54
Nevertheless, and purely as a discussion point, I have never ever heard of any large flag-carrier airline anywhere in the world, sacking so many captains all at the same time.

I can only speculate the reason is because most pilots are protected by a union organization, which makes it difficult to to terminate people. Have you consider that?

That hasn't always been the case at QR, just to remind you of a few of the more famous terminations there in recent years. The guy who married his GF against CEO's wishes. The guy who went sick on leave. The "Evian" episode. The two guys who had the minor incident on pushback in DXB. All confirmed cases, I know personally the people involved in 3 of those.

I can not comment on the G/F incident or the sick leave incident B/C I have no knowledge of it, but as for the other two you mention...

Evian incident...I was told the Captain requested from the CS a bottle of Evian water (It is only to be serve for our Business Class customers). The CS informed the Captain the OM only allows the serving of water specifically allocated to the flight crew (not Evian). The Captain acknowlegde it, but ignore it by insisting the CS serve him the Evian water. Well, the CS report it and rest is history. I can only speculate there was a personality conflict amongst the two in question.

In my opinion, I think this situation could have been handled differently, but I''m not the person making decisions that affects a pilots career.

DXB incident...Not sure you are talking about the crew who almost ran over the engineer while he was still attached to the headset. If this is the incident...well...I think the little information I provided says if all.

Now you have 2 incidents (1-non safety related & 1 safety related). Clearly both are obviously serious concerns the company felt actions needed to take place. Do you think by not complying with company SOPs and procedures authorise by the government is a concern that should be brought to light? What do you think?

And I'm also saying, that this is a pattern of behaviour that is probably seen only at QR of all the major airlines on this earth.

I think the patten you are seeing is that of a non-union carrier that is able to terminate a pilot for any reason, no matter how silly the reason. That being said, there are 3-sides of the story, the pilots version, the company conversion, and the truth. I going to speculate, you only heard the pilot version.

Should pilots or potential pilot be afraid for the jobs? Only if you are a rogue pilot hell-bent on doing your own thing. QR want pilots who can comply with their rules. If one can comply with the rules in place, you will have a proporus career. If you can't, don't bother applying or be prepared to have a short career if you already here.

There can only be two options : either they did something serious and safety related, or, they didn't.

One option paints QR as an airline with some pretty serious safety issues, ... the other one ... well I'm sure you can figure that one out yourself.

I would say this...every airline has bad pilots (particular the ones with bad attitudes). I would think QR, just like any other airline, would not want to retain the pilot that could potentially infect the culture and safety of the airline.

So if you have details of such termination, devulge the information so we can have an intelligent conversation. Although I speculate that any info you have, I'm sure I can reference the procedure that led the company to such drastic action against said pilots.

13th Aug 2013, 21:09
It's ******* simple:
1. You work for QR and isn't happy: Find another job far away from Doha. Get out.
2. You don't work for QR and thinks it sucks: Don't even think about going to Doha. Get out.

Gutter Airways
14th Aug 2013, 17:55
As frustrating as it is reading posts from pilots defending the airline, the above post says it best. If you're not happy, leave, that's the only solution to your woes, and thats what I urge you to do. If you stay long enough in QR, you will begin to forget what it is like to work for a normal airline and to enjoy your job, a job in which you have invested so much to be able to do.

There are better jobs out there.

15th Aug 2013, 15:55
"There are better jobs out there", and there are worse.

Have now been employed at Qatar for awhile. Not perfect, but put it in perspective:

Crews are well trained, maybe a little shy in experience, but capable.
One can rely on a deposit going into the bank every month, and on time.
Safe (if somewhat bland) place to live.
Well maintained aircraft.


Senior crew appear to be "favoured" for rosters (suspicion, not verified).
Not much "esprit de corps" within the pilot group.
A long, long way from most pilots' domiciles.
Erratic rostering rules and results.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. There may be better jobs out there, but suspect they are few and far between. Many compare Qatar to other Middle East carriers, but all have strengths and weaknesses. Each must make their own evaluation and match with their situation and priorities. Personally, Qatar Airways works for me and I am enjoying my time here. Of course, time may have an impact on opinion....:suspect:

15th Aug 2013, 16:28

Roster does not improve ( unfortunately)with seniority!
Except for vacation, the bidding system has nothing to do with seniority.

The only advantage of being senior in Qatar airways is when you bid for your vacation, and when you travel with id90 ticket.

15th Aug 2013, 19:18
Can anybody actually discribe this PAT, possibly provide pics, etc_
Did anybody do it recently