View Full Version : Emirates & Others To Move From DXB to DWC By 2020? Article

30th Jul 2013, 02:48
2020? Seems quite ambitious given Dubai's financial issues in the last few years, but current capacity at DXB will not accommodate Clark's A380 expansion plans... And Flydubai continues to expand and take more slots. I know cargo and Bizjet flying is already moving over to DWC. How far is DWC from the city center? Will they develop high-speed rail to connect DWC to the city?

Here is the article:

Largest international airline is worth US$71 billion Airport needs to add 100-million-passenger ... (http://www.eturbonews.com/36545/airport-needs-add-100-million-passenger-capacity)

30th Jul 2013, 05:37
The Dubai infrastructure planning did at one time include a Metro line to the new DWC airport. But I recall it was intended to be mainly underground - and even if it's ever built that would not fit the definition of a high speed link.

DWC is a fair distance from the centre of Dubai (however you define that - it's now a linear development all the way from Jebel Ali to Sharjah?) but it is roughly central between the existing DXB and AUH airports. Logically it could probably replace both - but there is nothing united about the UAE. Isn't going to happen. Meantime shed loads of money is being invested in expansion of both.

30th Jul 2013, 06:14
I read in one of the local papers that if the Expo 2020 bid is successful one of the things they will do is put a metro extension up Emirates Road (or whatever it is called this week) to DWC. Not high speed exactly but at least it is a link.

Mr Good Cat
30th Jul 2013, 06:44
That's not such a bad idea.

Put a Japanese designed low-speed Metro down to DWC...

...then employ a Spanish driver for it :E

Jet II
30th Jul 2013, 08:51
Emirates & Others To Move From DXB to DWC By 2020? Article

No chance - C4 is barely out of the ground and the money they are spraying at increasing remote stands at DXB means that it will be in use for a few years yet.

30th Jul 2013, 12:29
But isn't growth at DXB very constrained? Isn't growth the priority issue for EK?

Both EK and Flydubai have big growth plans. Meanwhile, a large new airport is planned in Istanbul and the new airport in Doha will hopefully open soon. The point is that if EK is constrained at DXB, other ambitious airlines will take advantage. I believe the new airport planned for Istanbul will have 5-6 runways over various phases and operate 24 hours per day.

30th Jul 2013, 13:22
One more thing to consider- Dubai International is prime real estate, right in the middle of the city. For a government that is short of money, or trying to repay debts, a lot of money could be made by releasing the site for redevelopment. It is already a shopping mall with a couple of runways attached anyway!

30th Jul 2013, 18:43
Way too much time and money invested for the terminals to be knocked down in a few years. Considering around 85% of EK traffic is transit, it wouldn't matter too much if the main hub was away from the city. Offer a fast and efficient HST into the city and it's no different to many other major cities round the World. Then use the existing facilities at DXB for all other operators, much as BA do now with T4. EGHQ is another matter but given the planned size of the fleet and number of staff, it would not be inconceivable that in around 5-7 years from now, the current HQ is used for admin/office and managerial use whilst a completely new building is dedicated to front line staff and crew at DWC.

Just my thoughts but who knows what will happen by then. By 2020, the Israelis and the Arabs might be best of buddies, Australia may have started winning something, anything, Egypt may have a Government that lasts more than a month, Indians will stop wobbling their heads, the Pope will be actively involved in 'Bunga Bunga' orgies, England will have won the World cup and finally, we may have had a year of profit share.

OK, so I admit the last one was unrealistic, but you never know in this place! :)

31st Jul 2013, 02:18
Exactly which World Cup was England hoping to win?

Any, is not a suitable answer....

31st Jul 2013, 03:20
"The Pope will be actively involved in 'Bunga Bunga' orgies.":rolleyes:

Who ever said they stopped:ok:

Jet II
31st Jul 2013, 11:54
One more thing to consider- Dubai International is prime real estate, right in the middle of the city. For a government that is short of money, or trying to repay debts, a lot of money could be made by releasing the site for redevelopment. It is already a shopping mall with a couple of runways attached anyway!

Is it worth that much? - there is no shortage of land available in Dubai for development, Business Bay is over half empty, the Lagoons abandoned, and they have just announced Mohammed Bin Rashid City although who is going to pay for that given they cannot even finish the Marina after 10 years... :sad:

7th Aug 2013, 19:18
The runway closure in DXB for 3 months next year is suddenly making everyone consider how ready DWC is to handle a lot of traffic. I understand the main problem in DWC is a lack of completed aircraft stands, and a lack of handling staff trained and with airside passes for DWC.

9th Aug 2013, 10:55
Is the Rubbish Skip still parked at the end of the runway.?

Will it be removed to make DWC a bi directional single runway airport.???

It was mentioned that 80% of the traffic would be hubbing, so no need for transport links to Dubai, or DXB.
Yet the first scheduled passenger flights are Dubai destinations,
NOT hubbing.


11th Aug 2013, 09:50
Very weak article. No new statements from any key figures on the matter. No information about the work is curently done on DXB. It amazes me that such articles are approved for publishing.

I dont think this move will be done in the next 10 years. They will do anything to decongest the traffic at DXB and keep Emirates there for a while. Cargo and private jets are moved and I reckon small landing fees will be ofered for other airlines to operate from DWC.
There is too much money invested in DXB at the moment. Also, DWC will need a metro link before they move there.

30th Aug 2013, 14:11
No problem in EK using DXB for the coming few years if other carriers are persuaded to move to DWC, I don't think. A new concourse and more remote stands meaning there's enough (as opposed to plenty) space on the ground...the major problem, I think, is that the airspace of the Gulf is entirely incapable of coping with the level of traffic trying to use it. A unified Gulf Control would be the only way of helping this out, and we can all imagine the odds of that happening, giving up sovereignty of airspace etc...a shame, because it's already damaging the industry here.

Etihad, Emirates, Qatar and, if the new terminal in Muscat is anything to go by, the scale of Oman Air's planned expansion will be hit hard by there not being enough airspace for the aeroplanes!

I also doubt that RTA would have come into existence were the airspace to be more coordinated. I believe that the RTA is there because EK were given no choice, as ATC weren't giving them any help with sequencing.

One other thing, I also found out the other day that the rather irritating licence/paperwork checklist is not just a company thing, issues happened a few times and the new procedure and tick sheet are, apparently, a reluctant introduction at the insistence of the GCAA...so we can let the company off for that one!

30th Aug 2013, 14:16
I forgot to say, it also doesn't really matter what they want to do, if the money isn't in the kitty to build the airport, no-one's able to move there!

I do wonder though that if money that's been spent on the new concourses, along with at least a bit of money from the state, and maybe (I dread to say it) some cash reserves were put together, would they be get close to the cost of a second runway and a terminal big enough at DWC to move sooner? Railway line might cost a bit too, though, I suppose...

30th Aug 2013, 14:37
Will DXB be able to accommodate EK's and Flydubai's expansion plans over the next 6-7 years? With fast growing QR and that other large UAE carrier, EK and FlyDubai are constrained unless they can push other carriers to less convenient DWC. Sounds very unlikely.

30th Aug 2013, 14:43
At the moment I think RAK has more business than DWC.

If anyone thinks that EK will transfer they are mistaken.

As mentioned the money spent on the existing airport, the runway refurbishment, the demolition of the Expo, and new concourses.

I suspect that DXB will be Emirates and Fly Dubai ONLY.

All others will be forced to move to the new unfinished airport.

Is it a master plan to assist passengers to use EK for their long haul, albeit mostly HUB and SPOKE, so passengers do not get outside the airport.

Anyone who had been in the 1h30 line for immigration knows that there is a LOT of passengers using Dubai as a destination.
The Tourist board hole so too.

The solution is to BUILD the Metro, now, build a the rail link to Abu Dhabi NOW, build two more runways NOW, and TWO more terminals NOW. Make road access easy, and not the convoluted mess it is at the moment. (Junctions built but not opened if on 611 from the north).

Why waste money on the DXB runway rebuild, I assume the problem is due to the heavier and more frequent operations.


ps move the skip please

30th Aug 2013, 14:54
:D couldn't agree more GLF, why there isn't an inter-Emirate rail network & better DWC connectivity for a nation that's national sport is building infrastructure, construction and real estate development is beyond me... :confused:

With all due respect, with 90+ A380's on the way et al. DXB needs to effectively become a wide body only airport, even FZ must go, the super/light separation requirements chew up runway efficiency, EK + codeshares alone will bring DXB to capacity by the end of the decade.

The next 7 years are going to very exciting, particularly if the expo goes through...