View Full Version : VFR IFR or VMC IMC?

18th Jul 2013, 14:31
i am an atc for twr and im not good at eng... sorry
i have question for you guys
i use the term that VFR and IFR for official weather condition
but as you guys know it .. the word VFR is not explane for condition
cause it is Visual Flight Rules.....
so do i have to use the word VMC or IMC?
some time i have to coordinate with us airforce
when they ask about our base weather i simply answer "its VFR now"
and they understand that ....
so what im tring to say is
do i have to use VFR pr VMC?
so tactically VMC is for conditions right?
but it seems every aircrews use VFR for it
i wanna know what you guys think
so sorry for my bad eng....... and shallow knowledge

18th Jul 2013, 15:34
VMC or IMC is the weather
VFR or IFR is the flight rules

If it is IMC they MUST be flying IFR.
If it is VMC they can be flying IFR or VFR.