View Full Version : Only 600 SHP claims

28th Jun 2013, 09:03
You friggin serious?

AQIS Boigu
28th Jun 2013, 09:27
And what about those ******* moles who gave the info to non-members...

28th Jun 2013, 09:53
What I'd like to know is that even if the AOA received these claims from non-members, surely they aren't going to submit them?

28th Jun 2013, 13:12
Some people have been too busy to gather their details. There is no dealine YET, subsequent requests will presumably be filed in batches hereafter.

Check the AOA forums there are lots who say it's in the works, will submit soon.

29th Jun 2013, 04:51
In the latest letter from the AOA, Cathay quoted as stating that they have been advised by their lawyers that they are making EO payments in accordance with the labour law.....

The same lawyers who advised them on bases, taxes, and foreign immigration?

Northern Harrier
30th Jun 2013, 06:47
The only reason I pulled up this thread was - for one fleeting second - I thought you were talking about Shaft Horsepower. 600 - a worthy topic for discussion indeed...

30th Jun 2013, 17:57
JTZ....order your superyacht now. It's a well known fact that CX really care about your opinion and your grievance and they are only standing by to honour your claim and pay you what you are owed. They love you dearly and respect your opinion. The other guys will miss the boat for not filing, but you will be paid immediately. Perhaps order two yachts. You are the chosen. :ok:

Blue Label
8th Jul 2013, 02:46
I must say that I will be very interested to see Cathay's response to the claims.

They are paying out the cabin crew with an in house resolution and via the EO we are in the same boat. The cabin crew didn't have to spend 6 hours each researching the underpayment so why should we?

I intend to wait and see what happens. My caring employers will abide by the employment ordinance surely!

9th Jul 2013, 22:32
Wouldn't that be typical???

600 show initiative, do the work, put their names in the spotlight, etc...

And everyone gets paid the same either way.

Freeloading has become the norm for CX pilots.

10th Jul 2013, 00:13

You are absolutely right! FREELOADERS the lot of them!

oriental flyer
10th Jul 2013, 11:11
With only a miserable 600 members taking the time and trouble to fill in the required paper work to date, We need everyone to file claims.

it's time to present a united front and perhaps consider allowing non members affectionately known as " freeloaders" to file petitions through the AOA . Hell the AOA could charge a fee for non members to use their services an additional revenue source . At the very least it would boost the numbers
I know that this is a radical thought but the higher the claim numbers the better our case becomes
Think About it

10th Jul 2013, 14:42
I have not submitted my claim as I have not been here for long enough, so the cut off to file a claim is later for me. I want to see what happens. I expect it will just be more of the same BS, lots of huffing and puffing but when the company ignore us we just complain to each other but do NOTHING. How we are not in contract compliance yet, working to the rules we signed up for FFS, is beyond me.

Hoo Flung Pooh
11th Jul 2013, 00:58
Sloppy, by not submitting your claim and sending a clear united message to the company, aren't you in effect sitting by and doing just that ? Nothing.