View Full Version : Commuting from Europe to Emirates

27th Jun 2013, 10:28
Hi All,
I have read some posts regarding this issue, however the ones I have found seem to be at least a year old.
I am wondering if anyone has some up to date information on this issue, in particular for FO's.
We would be considering possibly somewhere on the continent, for instance, Paris.
I am currently on the A380, and would be hoping to get a right hand seat on one up there.
Are the rosters compatible with commuting on the 380?
Would the pay allow us to do this when it would be our only source of income?
Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.

27th Jun 2013, 12:56
Ek is not a commuting airline... forget it... flights are always full and no jumps...

27th Jun 2013, 13:54
Ek is not a commuting airline... forget it... flights are always full and no jumps...

Yes, it is done, by a few, most of whom are permanently tired

28th Jun 2013, 01:26
The Emirates policy for ULH flights requires you to be in place in order to be acclimatized 48 hours prior to a flight. This would make it very difficult to commute.

max AB
28th Jun 2013, 06:36
Keep in mind you mentioned that the current info is a year old therefor you are assuming (correctly) that the commuting situation may have changed. So if we tell you it is easy to commute these days what might it be like in 12 months time???? Tough to make long term plans on a constantly changing short term situation.... So don't let commuting be a factor in your decision to come or not or you may be disappointed....

Panther 88
28th Jun 2013, 09:13
Commuting? I look at my July roster and think I would have a tough time commuting to Doha.

28th Jun 2013, 10:32
Even if you had 15 days off in groups of 5 you would lucky to have 3 days of home life in the block of 5. Now the likely hood of that is very slim even in a top bid month. 380 rosters are 90 hrs and 777 is 90 hrs with less ULR and in time more turns.

28th Jun 2013, 10:39
A good friend commuted from Manila to from abu somewhere, every two weeks, for a long weekend.

In his official documents he was a Londoner, so not commuting home. ( or Europe ).

He was always tired, but I suspect not from enough rack time.


30th Jun 2013, 02:50
Thanks everyone for all your replies, and PMs... I think the decision has been made (to stay where I am!)