View Full Version : Dubai 30L/30R

29th May 2013, 18:29

I am looking at a project for the parallel runways. I would like some general information about the typical MET approach conditions.

I see that there is typically a prevailing wind from the NW. I am wondering if this is what is typically encountered on final, and the typical altitudes, ie, surface wind, winds to 1000 feet are generally stable...

It would seem logical that with the morning/evening thermal differential, coupled with the water, that there would be a wind shear level, and/or a typical thermal layer and/or inversion layer.

A380 drivers a plus, or even better, drivers who have been on final behind one...

I seem to remember that there are quite a few run-offs/overspeeds, so I would really like to hear about what happened to your 'friends' in these cases.

wake encounters, as always a plus/plus... :ok:

Replies in confidence are assured to remain confidential. PM me and we can set up an alternate email address if you would like.

Thanks in advance..