View Full Version : 250 Knots(A PPruner), Heathrow, Lambourne and LOGAN

24th May 2013, 17:23
Before, i begin, i like to thank 250 Kts (http://www.pprune.org/members/19392-250-kts) for running me through the events of a few Sunday's back during my flight into and out of EGLL including the playback of my entry into from LOGAN then LAM and LHR; and my departure(DVR).

250 kts, thanks for explaining LHR's back end workings and detailing out the "Behind-the-scenes" challenges that us as crew would never be able to figure out when we come in and leave LHR.

Further, i do realise that most of my comments were laced with a certain degree of aggressiveness and sarcasm and whilst i'd like to consider that i was merely letting off some 'steam', i would like offer a sincere apology to those who felt offended by my comments, language and attitude.

Furthermore, i wish to state that i have nothing personal or have anything against Indians, Pakistani's, Bangladeshi's and the other miscellaneous groups of hard working migrant workers, aliens or asylum seekers that throng the United Kingdom in the hope of making a future and in conclusion, I do not detest or find disgusting "Chicken Tikka Masala"(though at my age, i must admit it does not agree with me that much) and don't object to it being immensely popular the U.K.

Thanks again 250Kts, I sincerely appreciate the playback and time spent with explaining the events that took place with me.

Best wishes,


Desert Dawg
26th May 2013, 11:25
By the tone of your post, we can assume you were summoned for tea and biscuits...???

PPRuNe Radar
26th May 2013, 12:33
People who can apologise are to be applauded.



Desert Dawg
26th May 2013, 12:42
I agree in your assessment PPruNe Radar...

26th May 2013, 13:03
Not exactly Tea and Biscuits, but a rational explanation of why we were asked to do what we did with a side order of "a very frank review of where things are and what we should expect" :)

My concern stems from fuel burn and it does look that traffic increases complexity in an otherwise crammed up region, so the next time, we know what to do.

Thanks Again for reaching out 250 Kts.

Apologies again to those who may have been offended by my rudeness.

26th May 2013, 13:49
People who can apologise are to be applauded.Refreshing to read an apology that doesn't read like it's been dictated by a bunch of lawyers. :O

Agaricus bisporus
26th May 2013, 14:21
Or a gutless and cowardly girl "apologising" for making a bloody t w e e t as a ploy to divert attention from the fact she'd damn near killed a cyclist and didn't stop.