View Full Version : Saudi Aviation Flight Academy(SAFA) Reviews

Ibnu Yusuf
17th May 2013, 15:39
Good day to you all,

Having recently introduced myself in another forum, I've taken steps to find my self a suitable training school.

Hopefully when I graduate(here in the UK), I will be moving over to Riyadh.(For reasons other than a training school)

I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with them? Their website has alot of information, but cannot answer my questions.

I do have some relatives over in Riyadh who I have informed, they will be checking and update me accordingly, but for now id like some opinions on the forum.


18th May 2013, 13:17
I believe that they are very expensive and I would also question if they are offering a license based on hours flown in an aircraft, or something more like an MPL where the training was done in a simulator


Ibnu Yusuf
18th May 2013, 16:51
Thank you for the response, Mutt.

Having done a little more research, It's become aware that they(SAFA) have a scholorship scheme, this is something which is crucial to my future as a pilot, so hopefully I will be granted one.

Maintainence costs, are next to little. Its fairly cheap to live over there :D(talking from experience)

The question you put forward, has been put forward. It never sprung to mind, so thanl you for that. I will update with a response from SAFA in a few days.


18th May 2013, 19:35
so hopefully I will be granted one. Are you a Saudi national? Otherwise forget it ? Plus they are a money making (or losing) company, so I would guess that if they have schlorship students, they are sponsored by the government or Saudi airlines.

Maintenance costs are next to nothing where on earth did you get that idea from? Aviation in Saudi is bloody expensive.

Good luck,
